Letter of support for Bozeman friends

To our Bozeman, Montana concerned friends, and friends worldwide,

We recognize the efforts of our brothers and sisters in Christ in Bozeman asking for safer community practices in restricting abusers from attending typical fellowship gatherings. We support a victim-survivor centric approach to responding to abuses, which means alternative fellowship arrangements for those with abusive behaviors.

We stand with survivors and support them coming forward to address abuse. Understanding and addressing the past is part of a positive and healthy path forward for our fellowship, and is in accordance with Jesus’ teachings to welcome light and truth, and repent.

WINGS Note: Some friends in Washington, N. Idaho and Alaska have written this letter of solidarity and encouragement to the Bozeman, Montana friends, due to their concern about the letter sent by Scott Rauscher etc posted at https://wingsfortruth.info/2023/11/10/montana-and-wyoming-workers-blocking-historic-cases/

This letter advised that the workers would no longer accept any new complaints about historic events, and indicated a focus on restoration / recovery [of perpetrators?] “taking into consideration the needs of victims”.

These friends are gathering signatures via Google Forms at https://forms.gle/TSpvGRC32vgfUxNN9

There are currently more than 280 signatures. The oppportunity to sign will close in 24 hours.

16 thoughts on “Letter of support for Bozeman friends

  1. Thank you for doing this,
    The more I learn, the more it eats away at me. We are to DENOUNCE sin according to the Bible. Denouncing sin in words only (no actions) is not restitution or repentance, that’s “another” cover-up sweeping it under the rug with no consequences or accountability. True atonement is repentance with with actions to make changes to set things right, it is not repentance by shunning responsibility.

    • thank you Tom, for standing with the
      friends of Bozeman, Mt and ND,

      you saw the ‘need’ that mr. scott rauscher didn’t. shame on him.

      he has totally lost his vision and dropped ball on this Csa subject and as well with the broken hearts that need to heal.

      after reading the account of the ‘woman that had to kneel before dean b. and himself’ it appears he should no longer have any place ‘ in the work’ and maybe not even the fellowship meetings!

      • Recently, “the letter sent by Scott Rauscher etc posted…This letter advised that the (“workers”) would no longer accept any new complaints about historic events”. Workers make the rules. Two Cents notes, “(Scott Rauscher) has totally lost his vision and dropped ball on this Csa subject and as well with the broken hearts that need to heal”. Scott Rauscher has totally lost his vision! It’s so pompous the workers have their “vision”. Their personal beliefs on sexual predators in meetings, even with children, treating sexual abuse victims like yesterday’s news, determining spiritual steps for the people they minister to, such as baptism, and act like they are all knowing. How does any human feel that they are elevated over everyone else? When given a totally different perspective from the Bible, who wins out? The workers and their vision.

    • Be Holder, you didn’t specify what is satisfying you. Our hymn says “I’m satisfied in Jesus now,” and in my experience, every other source of satisfaction is fleeting at best and ultimately disappointing.

      • I’m satisfied in what the workers are doing. Satisfied that the spirit is still here..no matter what others do or say. Cry and whine.

      • @anon True, However, Jesus says that you cannot separate his ministry from him. There is no such thing as rejecting the ministry without also rejecting Jesus, His words, Just read them in your Bible

  2. Be Holder, I understand and share your appreciation for the workers; apostles are part of God’s plan for his Church. However, we don’t want to have an affair, spiritually speaking, with the messengers while waiting for our Bridegroom’s return.

      • Jim, I am not aware of anywhere in the Bible where Jesus said you can’t separate His ministry from Him. He said I (not we) am the way, the truth, the light, the gate, and the Good Shepherd. He also warned us to watch out for false prophets who are inwardly like “ravening wolves”, and He told us that we will recognize them by their fruit. There could be no more obvious rotten fruit than what some in this ministry have done to children and what others in the ministry have done to hide the crimes, and protect the criminals.

      • Jim, I’m not sure what is confusing about the above posts from Anon and Dead End. The attitude we have toward the ministry needs to be in the proper order. If we esteem workers as above reproach, we are essentially putting them into a place that is equivalent with the Father and the Son.
        The evidence makes it very clear that this *has* happened over the years, and the results can be dismal – individual workers with a superiority complex and congregants with an understanding that is based on a worker’s opinion rather than Scripture. I think that we both can agree that Scripture >> opinion, not matter whose opinion is being considered. An opinion does not confer salvation.
        Recognizing that individual workers have had a less-than-accurate understanding on a particular situation, or a less-than-Godly reaction (or communication) does not negate the ministry as a whole. It simply points out what we all know: workers are as fallible as anyone else, and part of our *responsibility* as members is to point out when actions and words aren’t lining up with Scripture.
        I believe there is a place for the ministry, and have many workers that I respect and appreciate deeply. However, I see nowhere in Scripture that indicates I should treat them as demigods or above correction.
        Bringing the focus back to the purpose of this website: an imbalanced perspective towards workers is one of the main predecessors to this entire CSA/SA situation.

      • Jim, maybe it doesn’t seem so weird when you consider that John the Baptist said: “The bride belongs to the bridegroom.”

  3. Pingback: Darryl Doland comment on Scott Rauscher letter – WINGS for Truth

  4. Pingback: Clarification from Scott Rauscher etc – WINGS for Truth

  5. It appears that there are more chapters or houses amongst the church-
    The west coast believes that God only speaks thru the overseers- in otherwards you need to go to the overseers to understand the word of God.
    East of the Rockies has opened their doors to those who have divorced and remarried- so God still loves them.
    Montana and Wyoming have now opened their doors to those who are guilty of CSA/SA. Your past will be overlooked- come and break bread with us. What happens when they assault and abuse – become active in CSA/SA.
    None of them want to address the ongoing spiritual abuse and false doctrine.
    So now you have a choice what doctrine or abuse is acceptable. Please spend a little time with God and Christ. See where they lead you.

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