Montana and Wyoming workers blocking historic cases

Nov, 9, 2023

Dear Concerned Friends,

The time has come for us to emphasize where we are with past issues that have been brought to us by you folks. We have sought professional and responsible council all along and have found profitable help from people like [redacted], who supports our positive direction in going forward.

From today, we will not accept any complaints about the past. If there is anything illegal or criminal in any way, we are asking you to take it to the police. We will only deal with the present and the future.

We are embracing the idea of a support/witness plan for those that need help and restoration for positive recovery in the fellowship, taking into consideration the needs of victims. We are not a part of a persecution/prosecution team, but rather seek restoration for every individual. We are not working against our brother or sister, but rather being our brother’s keeper. This fellowship and ministry doesn’t need big changes, but it does require each of us to be honest and accountable.

We can all be a great help and support through prayer for each other. We all have expressed we want unity, and that means we must work towards that together. Godliness is contagious… let’s go forward in that way.

With care for each, Scott, Tom, Tammy, Heidi & Alexis

Scott Rauscher (current overseer of Montana and Wyoming), Tom Hinkle, Tammy Carr, Heidi Henderson, and Alexis Carrier.

132 thoughts on “Montana and Wyoming workers blocking historic cases

  1. You heard Scott. Bypass the workers and go straight to the police. Best advice he’s given in a long time. Scott and Tom have shown us through their actions that they do not understand the law and have no common sense when it comes to pedophiles and abusers – they are the top of the infamous Montana 13.

    This might be the first time I’ve heard of reporting child sexual abuse or rape as a “complaint” – interesting use of words there Scott and Tom. Tom, I’m so ashamed to come from the same gene pool as you.

    • I think you have to have both. The police aren’t going to come in and tell perpetrators not to attend meetings. Scott’s use of the word “complaint” is very intentional. They are definitely showing their true colors. If I understand you correctly, that’s what you’re saying. There is nothing honorable in ignoring the past. We learn from the past. And we have to heal and redeem the past. You don’t do that by ignoring it. Scott speaks of restoration and accountability. You don’t do those things without remembering the past. What do you restore if not the past? What are you held accountable for if not the past?

    • And our OS has compared CSA to a parenting “mistake.” The lack of care/concern for God’s children and those who commit crimes against them is beyond alarming!

    • @Beholder….Your obvious relief is showing. Scott THINKS he’s pulling a nice big cover over everything huh? NO one is bigger than GOD, he will accomplish what HE will.

    • Have you read Ashley Williams’ experience with Scott and his mentor Dean Bruer? I think it would be wise not to trust Scott. It is a sad day for our friends and true ministers in MT/WY.

      • I have read it. It says it all. It was witnessed. It was on Manhattan Convention Grounds. Can you locate it and repost it here. PERFECT timing for whiners to read. Repulsive. Who is complicit with that tragedy now? It could save TH before he is trained further. SR was disinvited from OlympiaCG this year. DD can only do so much.

    • It’s hard to believe this thinking, let’s ignore the filth, dirt and Elephant in the room. Can you really live with this filth and not start cleaning? The dog has turned to it’s own vomit. Have you heard of cleansing? Apparently, walking away and leaving the filth is OK with some, because it’s easier than going through a cleaning process. Filthy garments need to be cleaned.

    • Obviously you have never been abused or you are an abuser yourself. This problem of abuse, lies, deceit, covering up, slandering victims and complacency is FAR from even being addressed never mind fixed! Until it is the list of abusers and victims continues to grow! You should be ashamed of your stand and statement. You and Scott (and whoever else agrees with this letter) should familiarize yourself with how to be a Good Samaritan, the 2 commandments Jesus gave us, how to become like a child, what being our brother’s keeper really means! The answers are all in the bible and are shown to us in Christ’s life/example. Then have a good look in the mirror.

    • You are seriously outside the realm of Christianity. I hope you aren’t an elder and will never be. If you want to label victim/survivors as being whiners that is your 1st amendment right, however it’s our right, the same as yours, to voice our displeasure and dissatisfaction with the callousness of those who are supposed to be true shepherds that are ignoring the bleatings of the wounded lambs. Anyone ignoring those cries will have no part in God’s heavenly kingdom. My 58 years of silence because I wouldn’t have been believed has now been unleashed and haters such as you will never silence me again. Shame on you.

      William Johnson

      • William. I am a victim and also a survivor. I’m tired of people tearing down our overseers. Se this is my safe space. If someone wants to walk they can. If all one wants to do is complain and whine. Take is to the Baptist church down the road. I have my abusers guns in my safe and was there when he was lowered into the ground. So I won. Don’t blame Scott Ray and all the others for things out of there control.

      • William Johnson – I can see why you may have misunderstood my fathers post (John Elley). It isn’t totally clear who he was referring to as ‘whiners’.
        Just for background, my dad wrote the child safe policy for Olympia grounds (which he owns with my mother), he banned a particularly emotionally abusive brother worker from attending, and had David J from India kicked off the grounds the moment he heard he had CSA allegations against him.
        My dad would be referring to ‘whiners’ as those who choose to not believe victims, those who are siding with corrupt overseers and are trying to silence victims.
        I am sorry for the confusion and the hurt his above comment may have caused you or anyone else.
        He was referring to Ashley’s account as one that everyone should read because it is so profound and clear what SR tactics are.
        Please be assured John Elley stands with survivors and will not tolerate abusers

      • Jesus never encouraged overseer type of a system. He taught the opposite How are you reading your bible, Jim? To prove YOU’RE right? Why do you defend the wrong in the church? Did Jesus do that? Did the apostles? You and beholder are doing what Jesus said not to do. Ye are they that justify themselves among themselves. You and beholder WILL be held accountable on the judgment day for every single brother that through your influence “walked” away from your faith. Very unchristlike, Jim. Jesus does not care that you defend these overseers and friends like yourself. God is all about honesty and nothing is covered until it is dealt with. Repent because you have done very great harm and have done nothing about your own wrongs.

      • Jesus never encouraged overseer type of a system. He taught the opposite How are you reading your bible, Jim? To prove YOU’RE right? Why do you defend the wrong in the church? Did Jesus do that? Did the apostles? You and beholder are doing what Jesus said not to do. Ye are they that justify themselves among themselves. You and beholder WILL be held accountable on the judgment day for every single brother that through your influence “walked” away from your faith. Very unchristlike, Jim. Jesus does not care that you defend these overseers and friends like yourself. God is all about honesty and nothing is covered until it is dealt with completely. Repent because you have done very great harm and have done nothing about your own wrongs.

    • I am disappointed in you. For one you told me at Fosters that you had took yourself off all these sites…hmm. I will not support abuse of ANYONE. With all due respect lots of folks would love to move on but have been hurting for years!! Put yourself in the shoes of us parents who have young children to raise and are very fearful that are amongst a faith that is FULL of abuse. Telling folks to go to the Baptist church down the road isin’t very Christlike either. Think about the hope and future of the kingdom and protecting the vulnerable!! Not trying to sew discord but to show you another side. I don’t think folks understand if they’ve never had their own children. And I don’t meant that ugly! Like you feel towards your animals…multiply that 10 times over or more!

      • Maria. Has this been verified? Is it true? No one knows it is an allegation. There is no proof. So many things we read could be true, or might not be. In any case this is just one side if the story. You know as well as I do there are 3 sides to every story.

    • The time to move in is when things have been made right and the offender doesn’t get to decide what that means. Do you even read your bible to search out these things?? No wonder overseers are so off track when they’re around friends who aren’t living the truth.

    • Jesus isn’t in your heart, beholder. Do you know him? I do. Your Jesus isn’t the Jesus that teaches us not to even pray if someone has something against us until we make it completely right. Whoever you are, you are not beholding the Christ.

      • Thank You, Elis;
        Absolutely: And these are Jesus’ very words to his disciples = learners. Matthew 5: informs us :1 Jesus seeing the multitude, he went up into a mountain: and when he was set, his disciples came unto him.
        In Gospel mtg. we were informed :2 And he (Jesus) opened his mouth and taught them saying:::
        That Matthew 5, 6, 7 were the Constitution of God’s Kingdom.
        When we then asked what gift could we bring? 5:23
        Where is the alter we would bring it to?
        Where we would leave the Gift UNTIL thy bro that hath “”aught against thee” agrees with thee quickly? 5:24 – :25
        For us it would have solved a problem we did NOT know what the answer was!
        The Bro Worker in our field, did NOT have on a long sleeve shirt: so he could “laugh-up-his-sleeve. As a result, he had a very hard time hiding his glee. ((Yes, about his very OWN chosen subject and 40 minute sermon!))
        To Whom was Jesus speaking?
        Matthew 4:23 Jesus went about all Galilee. :25 there followed him great multitudes…….YEP, all Jews; all from Nation of Israel.
        Math.4:23 What was Jesus preaching? The gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
        Why did the fame of Jesus go throughout all Syria? 4:23. Jesus was healing all manner of sickness and disease, torments, devils and…..
        That is why :25 great multitudes followed Him!
        WERE they willing to live-up this standard of Matthew 5, 6, 7? NO!
        Matthew 8:1-:4 Jesus healed a “leper”. What must that leper do????
        :4 shew thyself to the priest AND offer the GIFT THAT “Moses” commanded…… YES, Do the Law of Moses!!!
        You are so correct Elis: Whoever Jim and Beholder are; they cannot follow and are Not following Jesus. It must be 2 Corinthians 11:13-:15
        Just as they are Not and cannot follow the 12 sent witnesses in Acts 2:14-:37. This they cannot preach. Why?
        Acts 2:42 The workers do not follow the the 12 Apostles “Doctrine”!
        :44 – :45 All believers: sell all; have everything common
        :46 and ALL the “Believers”: continuing Daily with on accord
        “””in the Temple”””
        Of course they did; because 12 did Luke 24:53, Acts 3:1, 5:41-:42
        AND we are surprised; they cannot even GET Moral and just plain common human sense for fellow humans; correct? WHY?

    • From David Cronk, Torrington Wy: Warran Jeoffs also has support from loyal followers as he serves three life terms in a federal prison for child rape.

    • Maybe we should ask the person herself. Thankfully she has been able to move on and has gotten past it. They still go to meeting in Colorado and she is on Facebook so maybe you could ask her(friends with a lot of our friends). But to make someone kneel before you and then begin to laugh at them is total disrespect and you don’t treat someone like that no matter the questions they have! We all know Dean Bruer had a colorful past and so who’s to say he was mentoring others in the wrong things!? Who to trust at this point!? God and his son! I know one thing…my child or close family get treated like that by someone who supposed to be a trustworthy person, it would be hard to be like her and still stay spiritually healthy in meeting! Statistically these things are hard to prove but the homeowner was present when this meeting took place.

      • Scott saved me from alot when I was young. I would have to see it to believe that he would make anyone knee in front of him. Bruer maybe but not Scott. Many things we are reading are getting stretched. This we know for a fact. I just am very careful about what I believe. In these times it is wise. Try the spirits. We have exworkers who were not spirit led. We have those trying to tear us down who are lead by a different spirit.

    • I am wondering how the workers or overseers will take steps to separate offenders from victims in fellowship meetings if they don’t know who they are? Is it possible the police are communicating to the workers with a list of names? And therefore. they don’t need to have members report to them?

      I don’t think it’s wise for the victims to report to the “workers” because for one, since they are not ministers of a church with a non-profit tax status, they are not “mandatory reporters” (meaning they don’t have training on how to respond to a victim who discloses abuse). Honestly, folks, they don’t have professional training on how to appropriately respond to victims or to the parents of the children who were abused. It’s tough stuff and each person responds differently to trauma. Honestly, I have a Psy degree and lots of training and… I still needed further training.

    • Most ministers of other churches are trained to be a “mandatory reporter” of abuse. The training teaches a person how to respond to a child/adult who reports abuse and how to make a referral to the legal authorities. It’s not extensive training, for instance, all educational staff are mandatory reporters.

      I think it may be helpful to add to your discussion as a church community that typically ” workers” are not trained to be “mandatory reporters”. Perhaps this will help members understand why workers are directing the reporting of abuse to the police, who are professionally trained and know how to appropriately respond to victims/parents of victims.

      Last note, sexual abuse does not fade like bruises. It’s not a physical healing process. Majority of sexual child predators were unfortunately, child victims of sexual assault. Survivors of sexual abuse who get help to recover are significantly less likely to be sexual abusers of other younger children and less likely to become adult abusers. Rather than minimizing their trauma by stating they need to “move on”, encourage victims to seek professional support. Effective healing/recovery requires specialized therapy.

  2. Thank you for your sensible approach. At all times it was the police and other advocates that should have been reported to. Yes the workers need and must know but they do not have the training or ability to prosecute the perpetuators and enablers\ I believe the perpetuators and enablers all should face consequences according to the law. And all should step down from the work, if in the work. Their eldership removed if an elder. They have proven themselves unworthy, unchristlike and do not have the fruit of the spirit. I just want to share what has been revealed to me the past few weeks. I have been thinking of Jesus blood cleansing our sins when I realized that His blood is for more than the cleansing of our sins, but also for the cleansing of our past. In saying that, I mean cleansing from the wrongs, hurts, degradation, scoffing, finger pointing, hatred etc that we have experienced from the hands of others. A big part of our life is what OTHERS say and do to us and about us. A lot of times it I very hurtful, not helpful, and can cause great angst. It is from this kind of past that we can be cleansed from so that it no longer holds us back, and by letting go of our past, we can be cleansed and go forward to a brighter future. I thought of Matthew 18:18 What is loosed on earth will be loosed in heaven. What is bound on earth will be bound in heaven. If we want to be free now and eternally we have to ‘loose’ the things of the past which has bound us, hindered us from moving forward. God can only cleanse us if we LET GO of the past, loose it, then God can heal us, we become free and can move forward. It is our choice to remain bound by our past, and our choice the be loosed from it. I know this because I have personally experienced and gone thru it. I thank God that He has given me time and opportunity to be loosed. There are verses about vessels of honour and dishonor. My thought is the dishonouable can be cleansed to be made honourable – we know this because WE have and are cleansed from our sins. But in thinking of this I wonder if we are dishonourable vessels if we are not willing to loose the past from our lives and let God do his work, thus we can move forward rejoicing. By not letting go of the past, then – in essence- means we are not availing ourselves of the cleansing of Christ’s blood. Which then makes us a dishonourable vessel. Are we willing for the work, for the cleansing, or content to stay stuck in the muck forever???? Personally my answer is NO!! I want and in many respects have moved on, gone forward. Trusting in God and all He offers frees us. I sincerely hope all the victims, perpetuators and enablers will come to the place of cleansing from the past, willing for the work each one will have to do – but it is oh so worth it!!

    Just as a side note – I was in the work for 10 years. I left because of abuse – not SA – but beyond horrible just the same. And because a pedophile in the work never faced consequences. I could not support the corruption. Glad to be where I am now!!

    Sent from Mail for Windows

  3. Ignorance is bliss! No accountability (they even have the audacity to mention being accountable)….. We don’t want to be held accountable for our sins, so lets move on as it was, no changes are needed (as it worked so well for decades, us having “absolute” secret authority) and sweep things under the carpet for good! This is sick, and their blind to that!
    They cannot defend the indefensible with this, such an un-Christ-like Arrogant attitude, let’s put this behind us and move on, no need for us to be accountable for our sins. I highly doubt there will be any transparency of the finances they talk about. How would anyone in their right mind trust them with finances, after all that’s been exposed about how untrustworthy they handled CSA, obviously not led by the Holy Spirit? How can anyone put up with this? Where is the repentance (admission of sin)? Is this another excuse to skip around that? This still doesn’t seem like God’s spirit is guiding. Once again they indicate we’re doing nothing about the ministry and keeping it the way it is, even though God has exposed our sins. When they wrote this I wonder if they included mothers, victims, elders, and deacons, or was it done behind closed doors in secret with just worker bias (their idea of transparency)? Did they learn anything from the courses they took. Does the Bible teach this way of handling things? Just think of the justice that will come from above in HIS time. If they thought of that this letter might be revised. Well we’re going to say we’re giving them some $ (good thing for medical expenses) and then we’re going back to silencing “everyone” (victims) for speaking the truth about the ungodly way the ministry handled CSA. We’ll make no changes and keep our power without question, no one will ever be allowed to Criticize us because we’re workers, and if they do we’ll shun them and kick them out. We won’t let anyone think people left because of the way the ministry handled CSA and our reluctance to make change. Well just use our demeaning tag “they lost out” . I suspect your letter will even make more leave. Do you not see a reason for change, before more leave? Do you think with all that’s exposed God is indicating the ministry requires change, especially when it comes to abuse (of all kinds}? Believe me, I hate to write these things but I believe Jesus wants us to stand for what’s right and true and fight against what is wrong and might I say evil.

    • In view of the immediate fore posted by Wings: this decision by Montana-Wyoming staff needs to be reconsidered. What and exactly when is the victim ‘able’ to and have the resolve NEEDED to face such a cut n dried process. ((You will go where the victims are able to be: NOT where you want to be!))
      Time for all to DO SOME looking-back. Start by actually “reading all of God’s Word as written” and not as the warm fuzzy human sacrifice of the ministry. It is impossible for the “workers” to live of and off of and with their converts AS: Acts 2:41 those that were added; about 3000;
      :42 continued in the “”apostles’ doctrine:::: YEP!
      :44. they that believed HAD all things common???
      :45 sold their ‘possessions’ and goods
      AND parted them to all as every man had need
      That is hard to understand! Nobody ever Told Me That!
      Acts 4:32 – :37. AND then read Acts 6:1-:7
      When one actually reads to whom Jesus ministered(Romans 15:8) and where this multitude of believers were (Romans 6:7) one quickly realizes this is record of the Jews, That Promised, Covenanted, Chosen Nation of Israel. So, of course, they were worshipping- Luke 24:53, Acts 2:46,
      Acts 3:1, Acts 5:41-:42 – in the “TEMPLE”.

      With this knowledge: you each will NEED to do some “looking way back”: to find ‘by JUST what authority’ you are making ANY Decisions! Not even talking about being “honest and accountable”. That you so boldly affix your name! Me thinks you have been “hoodwinked” by your “professional and responsible council”!

  4. This is a problematic approach. The law is there to prosecute and should be accessed wherever possible.

    However, the people on this letter are responsible for managing risks of assault and abuse in church settings, and those risks are many. If an historic case comes up and a credibly accused abuser/pedophile is attending meetings with children or others who are vulnerable to abuse, no one in good conscience should stand back and say “don’t talk to me, go to the police”.

    This is a dangerous policy and is raising the risks of abuse in the church settings.

    • @Watchman…. I’ve never heard of anyone getting abused while attending a meeting. The hundreds of meetings I have been to all the people are sitting down solemnly and quietly while in the presence of God. There is a need to watch and deal with those that have CSA allegations and/or other unresolved CSA issues. But I do not think any child has been assaulted in a fellowship meeting or gospel meeting.

      • My wife was the victim of CSA by a “professing man” that attended a meeting that was held in her parents home an early age. For the next 20 some years she had to attend meeting with this creep and shake his fat greasy hand afterwards. Even after he was convicted of molesting his own grand kids, very few in the cult thought he was guilty. Facing this pervert twice a week was similar to be abused over and over again.

      • My brother in law’s two sisters were both molested by their elder after meeting….multiple times. Also, we get together so often – potlucks, conventions, Sunday dinners, and these are all places where people have been molested.

      • As longtime readers of this site know, I was molested under the kitchen table while sitting next to an esteemed old male worker in the 70’s while visiting Florida. He had never seen me before, but realize now that he checked me out during the Sunday morning meeting and decided to sit next to me at lunch to do his dirty deed. Meetings are perfect places for these perverts to evaluate who they can get away with molesting. So while I was not molested in meeting, it happened shortly thereafter.

      • @Jim… that’s where you’re wrong. There are CSA offenders that have molested children after meetings. CSA doesn’t necessarily mean rape you know. If an adult male find ways to single you out in ways that make you uncomfortable, or touches you inappropriately or does the myriad of little things these psychos only know how to do with children, then that child being forced to come to meetings becomes a traumatic experience. People try to judge these things from their limited perspective. If you’ve never been a perpetrator or a victim and you’re not a trained mental health professional, please don’t JUDGE or negate anyone.

      • Yes, overseers have been unbelievably good at covering up abuse for decades! There are cases at conventions where sister workers were raped (read about Leslie White). Have you thought of the “3000+” victims in the church that have been abused, some by elders, workers, and saints. Many when they were just children. None of us think it was done “in” a gospel meeting or “in” fellowship meeting as I think your suggesting, but it was don by those that attended those meetings that abused victims, usually in homes. Read about the victims that have courageously come forth and told their story of horror since the Dean Bruer case broke. These victims have a voice for the first time, and they now come forth (partly) because for the first time they realize and understand it wasn’t just them as an individual but it’s been going on for ages, while knowingly being covered up by administrators. The administrators were protecting an “image” of purity over what was “truly” happening, at the expense of the lambs. Keep the outside clean while the inside of the cup is… Maybe you don’t know any of this, and many of us don’t want to know, but it has been exposed, big time. This exposure seems to be the hand of God (possibly a work of purification for the Church).

      • Jim, I can hardly stand to even see your replies on this site! it would appear that you make ‘light’ of the victims of these crimes. there is a special place for you and your followers at the end of this life….
        my child was repeatedly abused AFTER THE MEETING TOOK PLACE…
        while all but ONE….of the growsnups from the meeting had coffee!!!!!!!!¡!!!!!!!!!! us parents that attended that home never knew what was happening in the basement, we thought we were at a very safe place
        it took my child 30 years to tell me, and I didn’t get details…..
        so while your Very Busy at Polking fun and muddlely slights here do know that I have your ‘number’ and that your time is near and finally coming to an end!

      • The fool calling itself Jim, is such a joke that even the people it supposedly goes to meeting with basically ignores anything they say, an inconsequential pathetic nobody.

      • Basically what you are saying Jim is that they’re lying?

        Because you haven’t heard or witnessed it, it didn’t happen?

        I recommend you educate yourself on the impacts of a child who has been sexually abused.

        These abusers are thieves of the innocent and are living their lives in darkness! They are the worst type of criminal!

      • You actually think the abuser is stupid enough to abuse during the meeting? They wait until they have their prey alone. If they are going to meetings they will have plenty of opportunity to access their prey. Shame on you, Jim, for not knowing better.

      • Jim, at the age of 7 I was taken across the street, behind the family van and kissed by a visiting brother worker after Wednesday night meeting. Everyone was standing around in the front yard. It definitely happens at meetings, too.

    • @people who experienced CSA first hand… I am very sorry this happened to you. No one should ever harm a child. They should be punished.
      Never forget that God is the Great Physician and also our Creator and also our Father. I believe he has been wanting to help you all along the way and today. Do you believe he is able? or do you think he needs help?

      • Jim, I wonder what you’d do if your appendix ruptured. Would go pray, or go to the doctor? Dealing with emotional trauma is a mind and body issue, not a spiritual one.

  5. “From today, we will not accept any complaints about the past.”

    “ We are not a part of a persecution/prosecution team, but rather seek restoration for every individual.”

    Well, this seems like good news for those in the area who are divorced and have re-married. 😄

  6. So, does this mean that someone with a history of abusing others – especially CSA – will have no meeting restrictions? Wow. Pretty scary.

  7. These people only have the authority “you people” (to use their words) grant them. You can not be offended by their attitude yet remain in the fellowship. Make a clean break today – there are many amazing churches in your area full of your Christian neighbors that are ready to welcome you!

    • @ Jackson.. I agree. Anyone who doesn’t want to be here should leave. You need to follow your heart and see where that leads you………

      • Jim, our church can be healthy when the people committing evil and/or covering up evil leave or repent. God-fearing people do not need to leave.

      • You’re not a brothers keeper if you can say that. Most of the time people “don’t want to be here” is because they’re not wanted there. You SAY you want anyone and welcome anyone but you don’t live that in your life.

  8. Wonder why only a few Cowboy State and Big Sky State “workers” signed this letter – or are they the only ones left? Also, are these Rauscher’s rules or Ray’s rules – thought this “ministry” was lead by one spirit all over God’s fruited plain. Would not be surprised if this policy will allow Corfield back into “the fold”.

  9. Very un Christ like behavior. So Glad Jesus did not walk by that women at the well. If it was Scott he would have said, “too bad you have a terrible past, we will not be dealing with you.”

  10. Because you think the ministry doesn’t need big changes, you’re still minimizing the potential problems and are refusing to learn from the past.
    Having no oversight of overseers and no financial accountability/transparency is continuing to “business as usual “ “let’s move on “ “we’re here to help the offenders as well as victims “ which means you’re tired of hearing about the atrocities committed and their crimes. All this equates to no real change and because you’ve embraced Ministry Safe as the be all, end all, you’re still resisting meaningful change that will dramatically reduce the possibility of abuse. Not wanting oversight just means you’re still wanting total freedom to do what you wish with zero accountability. I cannot and will not accept this edict.
    I’m 73 years old and have been professing for 60 years and am a survivor for 58 years. You will continue to hear about past trauma/ abuses. You’re trying to give yourself an excuse to not deal with the past…reprehensible!! Don’t speak about healing the flock when you obviously don’t want to change…that’s nothing short of hypocrisy!

    William Johnson

    • William, Very well said, good wisdom and good definition of hypocrisy! I think of Proverbs and conclude the letter lacks in Godly (sincerity) wisdom and understanding. This letter appears void of the spirit. I conclude God is “very angry” and “not speaking to them”. Possibly because “PAST” sins that need to be atoned for (contrary to the letter, God does care about the past). Are they begging God’s forgiveness to try and hear Him. This is just like Eli and his sons. Certainly not like Samuel. Would “Jesus” write a letter like this?

    • @ William. I could not disagree more. Your strange interpretation of Scott’s letter leaves much to be desired. It does not matter if you reject the message in the letter. If God inspired him to write it… and I do believe God did… then what you have to say about it is irrelevant to everyone except you. You will have to pay the price for rejecting what God told him to write.
      I guess I would advise you to reconsider your words and repent.

      • @Jim “We will only deal with the present and the future.”
        Do you “honestly” think Jesus would say to someone “I only deal with the present and the future”? Think of: Repentance for the past, Atonement for the past, Forgiveness for the past, and Accountability for the past? No need to answer, just something to think about. Has it occurred to you that this “move on attitude” is an attempt to avoid “accountability” of the present administration for coverups, knowingly shuffling child molesters around, silencing victims, to name a few?
        Dysfunction at its finest! Pretend it’s all sunshine and rainbows.
        This is how a dysfunctional family operates. The abuse happens, then the next day no one talks about it and pretends nothing happened! “Block out and cope”. The abuse continues! Trauma at its finest!

      • God moved me to write what I wrote. Because you disagree doesn’t mean anything to me. Attempting to belittle me will not work. I suggest you receive some mental health therapy.Based on the replies to your nonsensical comments , you are alone in your delusional thinking. You make it difficult for me to pray for you but I will do my best.

      • His god is not the God I pray to. I am a survivor and I am disappointed in Scott. Are you a gatekeeper to hell saying to some one “I advise you to repent”? Are you putting yourself in the place of an Old Testament high priest? By grace we r saved and repentance is between God and his chosen ppl. Not between you and anyone else. Mind your own salvation.

      • You will be so ashamed if you are wrong. In these times, there is SUPPOSED to be more wrong than right in the ministry and in the church. You don’t believe the words of Jesus if you don’t believe that. But you believe for doctrine the commandments of men. If you’re the Jim I think you are, you got way off track along the way and are steadfastly refusing to be corrected. You haven’t made right your own wrongs.

      • Jim…your thought processes is so twisted it’s difficult for any reasonable person to take you seriously. There is definitely an underlying problem that you need to seek counseling for… your hostility towards survivors is appalling and couldn’t be more unChristlike.
        Why you’re afraid to come out of the shadows and post your true name only underscores my point of you having a deeper mental condition. Hiding behind a false name and attacking survivors shows your insensitivity and lack of understanding. You lash out at anyone you disagree with. Why haven’t you answered Wills question about who you really are? I believe you’re afraid of losing your position as an elder…which is the mark of a hypocrite. I feel sorry for anyone who has to attend your meetings. I personally would drive a hundred miles to be with a true elder with compassion and understanding. Get some help.

  11. Wonder if anyone else noticed the change in this letter from the previous letter posted by Wings on Oct 24 that Scott wrote on Oct 20, less than a month ago??

  12. “From today, we will not accept any complaints about the past. If there is anything illegal or criminal in any way, we are asking you to take it to the police. We will only deal with the present and the future…This fellowship and ministry doesn’t need big changes, but it does require each of us to be honest and accountable”. Not accept any “COMPLAINTS” about the past? No big changes are needed? Just honesty, and accountability? The people that have been assaulted, and molested and have been silent, with the statute of limitations now past, should no longer feel comfortable coming forward? You won’t accept those people and hear their voice? You think that what they have to say is just a “complaint”? Scott, you are complete scum. You have a history of not having the victim’s interest first. Scott you lead a massive sexual assault cover up in the past. Now, you say, ” let’s go forward in that way”. For all the people that support you, Scott, they should have great shame. For all the people that say nothing when you are present, should have great shame. By saying nothing, and not kicking you out like the people did William Irvine and Edward Cooney, shows the two by twos are now accepting complete low lives as their present leadership. Scott, you have never been honest, or accountable. But, you do have a faithful and silent following. Those people are complicit with you in your crimes.

    • @sac Scott. The post you wrote is pure rubbish to put it VERY kindly.

      You should do a lot more praying before you post again. Assuming that you do pray. If you do not…. well … I suggest you start. Please.

      • Jim, you don’t agree, “Scott, you are complete scum. You have a history of not having the victim’s interest first. Scott you lead a massive sexual assault cover up in the past”? You have not known how Scott overlooked the very sad sexual abuse where the child was smothered during the sex act and now suffers from brain damage? As another person wrote, ” Scott and Tom have shown us through their actions that they do not understand the law and have no common sense when it comes to pedophiles and abusers – they are the top of the infamous Montana 13″.

  13. This letter from Scott is an example of “the blind leading the naked”. I wish it wasn’t true as I still attend meetings. That might not last long.

    We saw moral clarity from Craig Winquist this week, now moral turbidity from Scott Rauscher. One step forward and two steps back.

    C’mon everyone. It’s the victims who matter. Wake up!

    • It is neither mine nor theirs to live in absolutes.

      There is One. And only One. Who at the close of all expected ends will balance the ledger.

      Keep fighting the good fight – never give up.

      There is One who will determine which heads the coals of fire are heeped upon – I hope and pray it’s on the heads of those who haven’t honestly felt with matters in their realm of influence in their time in an appropriate manner.

      If any true followers are what they should be they have no worry.

      Fight on!!

      • Jim, you are 100% right that everyone’s salvation matters, but salvation is found in Jesus, not in showing up in meetings.

      • @Will I have no desire for anyone to think about me one way or the other. It is only the truth that matters…. not dishonesty and lies and confusion.

      • You speak about dishonesty and lies and confusion. Then why do you support those things? I don’t agree with everything that happens on the internet by any means, but to publicly defend sin and wickedness and lies and things in the church that Jesus denounced, that’s pretty serious, Jim. Just because everyone is doing it doesn’t make it right.

  14. I was so saddened by this letter- I felt moved to write the letter we would all have liked to have seen:

    a and Wyoming workers saddened by historic cases

    Dear Concerned Friends,
    The time has come for us to emphasize how very saddened we are with past issues that have been brought to us by you folks. We have sought professional and responsible council all along and have found profitable help from people like [redacted], who supports our positive direction in going forward.

    From today, we will listen with empathy and concern to all cases that are brought to us, no matter how much time has passed. If there is anything illegal or criminal in any way, we are asking you to take it to the police as well. We want to do our best to help with healing past hurts, and preventing future ones.

    We are embracing the need for help, restoration and recovery in the fellowship, always taking into consideration the needs of victims.

    We long for restoration for every individual. In the spirit of our Saviour we want to be our brother’s keeper. This fellowship and ministry needs big changes, and it does require each of us to be honest and accountable.

    We can all be a great help and support through prayer for each other. We all have expressed we want unity, and that means we must work towards that together while sharing a Christlike spirit to the hurting and wounded. At this time we think not only of those still in this fellowship but also the hurting and wounded who felt the only way forward was to step aside. We know Gods is with them too.

    Godliness is something we are all striving for… let’s go forward considering Jesus in all that we do so that we don’t hinder their work of reparation he’s already begun.

    • Thank you, Teena! Your letter is such a beautiful contrast to the pitiful one written by Scott! “You will know them by their fruits.” Workers like this are only revealing the absence of the Holy Spirit in their lives and responses to other people.

  15. Try your best to ignore them, they have proven untrustworthy. It helps you to see you should go directly to Jesus, the Truth, the Way, our Savior and bypass them. Be glad for the fellowship meetings and helpful saints during these rough times, but stay away from abusers in high places. That’s my way of trying to handle things, along with reading and praying and seeing the scripture like I never have before. So many things have opened up in the scripture on account of these things, that I never saw before. I worship and Love Jesus, I will never again be guilty of being a worker worshiper. This crisis has helped me appreciate Jesus, more than ever, the spotless One. It helps me to cherish the words of saints more than ever. It’s helped me to read and pray more and more. My salvation cannot depend on workers that write letters like this.

    • Tina, that is beautifully written, so much so that I fear dishonest, and deceitful overseers and workers will copy it and send it out to pacify everyone, with no intention to change . 😟

    • @ Tom The letter that these workers wrote was beautiful and inspired by God. That is the way it looks to me. When I pray these are some the things God has been telling me. Accountability for EVERYONE.

      CSA is one thing…. and is so very wrong. This should be dealt with swiftly and lawfully.

      However, the other allegations are usually between 2 people who are BOTH accountable to God.

      So let’s not pretend that only one party is accountable to God and not the other. That is just foolishness. Lets stop the foolishness.

      • @Jim Strange – I was always led to believe that the workers had a higher moral compass than everyone else, so why didn’t they say no? Oh yes, that’s right, we now know that some DON’T have a higher power with all that’s been revealed!

      • What about the lady worker who was given a date rape drug and raped by a exworker? What about the young man who was threatened at knifepoint if he didn’t cooperate with his abuser? What about the sister worker who was threatened with damage to her loved ones if she didn’t let the abuser do what he wanted to her? It’s hard to understand this level of evil.

      • @Shocked… I always thought people were innocent until proven guilty….. have you ever thought that?… I’m guessing at one time in your life you did….

      • That letter is not beautiful. It does not line up with the way Jesus walked on earth . Is it inspired by God? Well God himself said that He creates evil. God allows things but that doesn’t mean He approves.

      • Jim, they were on the same staff as Dean Bruer until fairly recently. If they knew nothing of what he was up to, it proves they had no ability to discern either the Spirit or the fruit of the Spirit, or both.

      • @Anon…. that is a very strange and ignorant conclusion. Think about it. It “proves they have no ability”…. wow.. you need to rethink this

      • Really? Doesn’t the bible teach you differently? There are always signs and if you have been missing them, it doesn’t make you less guilty.

  16. An appreciated comment I read. “Dysfunction at its finest! Pretend it’s all sunshine and rainbows. This is how a “dysfunctional” family operates. The abuse happens, then the next day “no one talks about it” and pretends nothing happened! Block out and cope. “The abuse continues”! Trauma at its finest! Oh what fools!” This is how silencing the past works, the abuse continues!

    • @Tom… I see no connection to dealing with the future differently and letting the past be the past….

      If God has forgiven and forgotten a particular sin…. do you want to dig it up?

      • The past needs to be acknowledged before it can be forgiven. Also, sin can be forgiven, but the earthly consequences of sin remain. If you don’t believe me, read about David.

      • Statistics show that the majority of PAST perpetrators keep molesting into the future, no matter WHAT they say. This is what we are striving to prevent. Even if they are forgiven for past crimes, they are not safe people to be around because of their compulsion to keep molesting over and over.

      • Jim, “letting the past be the past….”. That logic is the same as a sex molester worker. Worker molest a child in the a.m. and then in the p.m. says, “that was history, it’s in past, forget about it!” The trouble is Jim, you can forget about “it” and get ready for what you want to tell everyone at your next meeting, but the molested child will live with that moment every day for the rest of their life. The Jims of the two by twos live an elitist life in their own mind. Thinking they, and the workers, are untouchable. So slimy. Just the thought of listening to the “wisdom” of the Jims in a meeting is repulsive. Not to mention, simply a waste of time.

      • Jim are you an abuser who wants your own past to be forgotten? Are you someone who supports those who abuse? My abuse at age 10 was at the hands of a highly esteemed worker. My hell on earth came from an unjust shepherd. Am I just supposed to forget his abuse? A victim doesn’t forget. Forgiveness must have repentance. Who are you? One of the overlords minions?

      • @Jim So if a worker rapes a child of mine and I smash him to a pulp, will God also forgive me? The majority of these perpetrators have not repented because they have reoffended over and over and over and over and over. A paedophile cannot be helped. You clearly don’t have children of your own. You must be a worker. Not that one in NZ that goes under lots of different aliases? Interesting that this name is the same as the father of this worker.

    • @Anon.. What you said here is all true.
      Jesus commanded us to confront those that have trespassed against us and settle the matter, So according to Jesus those that have been abused are to confront their abusers FIRST. Then if there is no resolution then involve 2 or 3 others… possibly workers or Elders or Friends. If its a child then the parents would be the ones to confront the abuser.
      We all reap what we sow. So there is consequences even though we repent. I just sense a lot of anger, some dishonesty and some lies in some of these posts. Maybe a better way to put it…. I do not sense much love in most of these posts. God IS love…..

      • Jim, using a child for sexual pleasure is far beyond the “trespass” Jesus mentions in Matthew 18. The mindset a person would have that would enable them to do this makes him a monster and a criminal. It is well established that most people who have crossed this line will cross it again. Jesus mentions children in His kingdom four times in the book of Matthew, so it is obvious that His church must be a safe place for them. There is no greater manifestation of a lack of love than molesting children or protecting the perpetrators.

    • This is exactly how Jim operates. I know a Jim like that and he cannot allow himself to see or believe anything wrong. He was probably raised that way but in times that were very different than today. No wonder Jesus warned about tradition.

  17. Those currently in charge of MT/WY are doing irreparable damage to this fellowship. I truly don’t understand why this is such a hard issue for the MT/WY staff to handle when other western US regions seem to be making progress, or at least, doing SOMETHING. Obviously, abuse and subsequent coverups in the fellowship are a systemic problem, because it has occurred very similarly in independent situations across many regions. If the system is not changed, there’s no doubt in my mind it’s going to continue. Anyone in a position of authority who does not recognize this and address it now has some level of responsibility for future problems IMO. If they’re not able to do so, they need to step aside for those who will.

    It seems so obvious that perverts and abusers should not be in homes (Sunday meetings) with children. Are we just witnessing incredible incompetence? Or is there something else going on? Why not move to the volunteer-only meetings for abusers that other regions have implemented? This really isn’t that hard…

    • I agree! Seems like a problem that could be corrected fairly easily so EVERYONE feels safe and the perp is no longer in a place of temptation. Young families would not feel good about subjecting their children or wives to someone like this!!

  18. Great post Tom Landon!!!| “Dysfunction at its finest! Pretend it’s all sunshine and rainbows”. But, ya know, those in the eye of the swirling cesspool still are very, very good at handing out their judgment, especially if you don’t have a bun and wear a skirt. Those two things are “sacrifice” and earn points, same as meeting attendance. Wearing the redemption. Doesn’t matter what is in the heart.

  19. History has a way of repeating itself. In 2006 Dale Shultz and his crew set up a program to deal with CSA. In 2015 we spent a year working with the ministry to make a moral statement and adhere to established government guidelines. After each occasion the ministry stated that God would deal with these issues not man. Besides God only spoke thru the overseers.
    For 40 years I expressed concerns about a number of issues and was informed it would change with new oversight. YES, it has changed CSA/SA grew and false doctrine continued.
    If you really believe these men are going to change you are taking a very naive position. Please step back and take a close look before your child, grandchild or spouse becomes a victim. I know from experience it is not a fun experience to deal with. Yes, people heal but the sting is there for life.
    Unfortunately you will still be dealing with CSA/SA time and time again.
    I do not believe that God has brought us this far to ignore the truth of what this ministry is hiding.
    Yes, please read and pray then be willing to follow where God and Christ lead you. You will find a Christian community filled with love and grace, also honesty. Fear and intimidation is keeping many folks from stepping up and demanding change. Perhaps you are dealing with a false sense of position and pride.
    I will continue to pray for those who love our heavenly Father and Christ.

    • Truth:
      It is evident you have been in the trenches. Back in the 30’s; two brothers tried valiantly to correct and redirect the leaders: Quote – Overseers? It was in vain. Because of their ‘legal advice’ facing the U. S. Government; they felt they had to completely withdraw from any association with the sect and its determination to continue complete falsehoods being perpetrated.
      This inability to understand, admit, and correct: is not NEW!
      The ability of the flock to “seek out your own salvation with fear and trembling”: has NOT changed either. Satan is able control that.
      However, our heart is pained to read you say: “I do NOT believe God has brought us this far to ignore the truth of what this ministry is hiding”.
      From our experience; their mind is soooo completely drowned in self importance and false Doctrine THAT: their ability to understand, admit, and correct is nonexistent. Even in their most humble, prayerful self!
      Where does that leave the FLOCK; the Fellowship, the Obedient ones?
      That leaves each one grasping for any straw that might be a sign of change.
      Truth, your answer is NOT just a suggestion of what to do!; it is the ONLY HOPE! Please read God’s WORD: as written and PRAY that God will open your Heart; as God did Lydia’s.
      Just consider the Apostle’s Doctrine(Jesus’ very witness covered with the Holy Spirit). Acts 2:41 – :46 & Acts 3:1, 5:41-42; Luke 24:53
      AND Acts 4:32 – :37 ; explains in :34 that it is impossible for the
      workers to live and stay in believers HOMES
      as they did not have any: they SOLD; theirs!!!
      That eliminates the CSA committed in safety of your HOME!
      That eliminates the CSA committed in your “elders home”!; as they met worshipping; continuing “daily” with one accord in the Temple. Acts 2:46.
      Do you understand this??? What is the answer???
      That is for God’s Chosen People, as God, Jesus, and then the 12 seek to bring God’s Chosen Nation of Israel back to God.
      Israel, the Jew would NOT. Matthew 23:37 – :39 is result: still at this time
      WHERE is Doctrine of the 2×2’s? We cannot find RECORDED in God’s Holy Bible: which is our “armour”
      (Ephesians 6:17).
      Our Helmet of salvation; Sword of the Spirit which IS THE WORD of God!

  20. Hello I wrote a response to worker Scott Rausch’s letter. I didn’t save a copy and haven’t seen it posted yet. I know I received a message that it would be reviewed to determine if it would be posted.

    I wondered if there is a time limit for it to post? I would like to send it to CCF. I would rather send the same email. Is there a way if you decide not to share my email if I could have a copy sent back to me?

    Thank you,

    Olivia Kennedy

    • I wanted to comment on worker Scott Rauscher’s most recent letter.

      This is my first time to comment. I was discouraged to read what he wrote about regarding moving forward and not going back into the past regarding complaints.

      Going back is essential in order to listen to the voices of survivors who may finally gather the courage to tell their story. They may have information that is very important about an abuser that is not yet known and possibly still in the ministry. This is a Big Change that is needed in order to continue to ensure the meetings remain a safe place to attend.

      Big change is also about realizing that for so long our survivors have not been able to use their voice and face their abuser. In sharing their story that takes more courage to do than we can ever imagine.

      it’s very possible that many still in the fellowship may want to go to a worker first. Sometimes it’s a hard habit to break ( going to a worker with their CSA /SA) problem. I worry it would hinder someone from coming forward with information.

      A better option would be to listen and compassionately tell them it’s ok to report the incident to the police. Regarding explaining to us that the ministry is taking a support/witness approach regarding survivors and others. Listening and providing them with the aforementioned regarding police is following through in that.

      The fellowship knows your role in the ministry, isn’t about persecution / prosecution. Yet we should try to understand what the survivor feels. They have felt persecuted through being silenced and no reports to police.

      In the comments one man seemed annoyed by what he described as survivors (yelling and whining- my words not his). He went on to say if there are those that want to leave meetings, then go and even suggested a Baptist church down the road for them to attend.

      Do the survivors have a flurry of emotions still years after the incident occurred? Anger, deep sadness, anxiety, isolation and too many to mention? Yes, I know this because I’ve seen it firsthand. I investigated these cases and was there from day one when it was reported to police.

      The man commented he was a survivor and was ok. I’m truly happy you are at that point in your life. However; for most survivors that is not their journey. The investigations require so much from survivors and that’s if it even goes to prosecution. So imagine if nothing was done.

      So for those that can’t understand why some survivors are still angry. Their stories are now being shared and it’s raw and real once more. Every survivor’s journey to some sense of recovery is at their pace not ours. I find it comforting to remember to ask myself. “What would Jesus do in that situation?” I know he would not add insult to their situation but listen with compassion.

      It’s ok to admit there are big changes needed in the fellowship. To work together with the members to find a place of peace and rest once more.

      Please don’t think I am saying there is no peace or rest in the fold. I’m saying there is some unrest and some lack of peace. God will lead us and guide us but he wants us to take responsibility as well.

      Lastly, I want to answer that question some may ask. If you were a police detective did you help?

      My career lasted 36 years. I professed for the first time in my late 20’s. I left meetings a few years later. Almost 25 years later I returned to meetings. I didn’t know any of this until I returned to meetings and renewed my vow. I learned about what happened to many children and adults after DB’s death and the information started coming out about many things.

      I feel a prompting in my heart to help in any way I can. I stand with our survivors and want to be a help to them. I am sorry this happened to you. I empathize and respect each individual journey of healing. I hope this helps those who want to speak in support to have the courage as well.

      We have a common goal and that is to see our Savior face to face in heaven one day.

      Olivia Kennedy

  21. I wanted to comment on worker Scott Rauscher’s most recent letter.

    This is my first time to comment. I was discouraged to read what he wrote about regarding moving forward and not going back into the past regarding complaints.

    Going back is essential in order to listen to the voices of survivors who may finally gather the courage to tell their story. They may have information that is very important about an abuser that is not yet known and possibly still in the ministry. This is a Big Change that is needed in order to continue to ensure the meetings remain a safe place to attend.

    Big change is also about realizing that for so long our survivors have not been able to use their voice and face their abuser. In sharing their story that takes more courage to do than we can ever imagine.

    it’s very possible that many still in the fellowship may want to go to a worker first. Sometimes it’s a hard habit to break ( going to a worker with their CSA /SA) problem. I worry it would hinder someone from coming forward with information.

    A better option would be to listen and compassionately tell them it’s ok to report the incident to the police. Regarding explaining to us that the ministry is taking a support/witness approach regarding survivors and others. Listening and providing them with the aforementioned regarding police is following through in that.

    The fellowship knows your role in the ministry, isn’t about persecution / prosecution. Yet we should try to understand what the survivor feels. They have felt persecuted through being silenced and no reports to police.

    In the comments one man seemed annoyed by what he described as survivors (yelling and whining- my words not his). He went on to say if there are those that want to leave meetings, then go ahead and leave and even suggested a Baptist church down the road for them to attend.

    Do the survivors have a flurry of emotions still years after the incident occurred? Anger, deep sadness, anxiety, isolation and too many to mention? Yes, I know this because I’ve seen it firsthand. I investigated these cases and was there from day one when it was reported to police.

    The man commented he was a survivor and was ok. I’m truly happy you are at that point in your life. However; for most survivors that is not their journey. The investigations require so much from survivors and that’s if it even goes to prosecution. So imagine if nothing was done.

    For those that can’t understand why some survivors are still angry. Their stories are now being shared and it’s raw and real once more. Every survivor’s journey to some sense of recovery is at their pace not ours. I find it comforting to remember to ask myself. “What would Jesus do in this situation?” I know he would not add insult to their situation but listen with compassion.

    It’s ok to admit there are big changes needed in the fellowship. To work together with the members to find a place of peace and rest once more.

    Please don’t think I am saying there is no peace or rest in the fold. I’m saying there is some unrest and some lack of peace in the fold. God will lead us and guide us but he wants us to take responsibility as well.

    Lastly, I want to answer that question some may ask. If you were a police detective did you help?

    My career lasted 36 years. I professed for the first time in my late 20’s. I left meetings a few years later I unfortunately didn’t stay in contact with friends. Almost 25 years later I returned to meetings. I didn’t know any of this until I returned to meetings and renewed my vow. I learned about what happened to many children and adults after DB’s death and the information started coming out about many things.

    I feel a prompting in my heart to help in any way I can. I stand with our survivors and want to be a help to them and the fellowship.

    We have a common goal and that is to see our Savior face to face in Heaven one day.

    Olivia Kennedy

  22. Pingback: Letter of support for Bozeman friends – WINGS for Truth


    This son has a wife and three children. He is also a son who was nearly assaulted sexually by a brother worker years ago. That worker assaulted other young boys during this time. They have been harmed for life. I suppose my concern is this also. Since workers are not married, which I don’t understand anyway, you will never know what its like to have your own children and love we as parents feel with those young lives in our care. This is the main reason I thought your letter Scott was just plain uncalled for. Stupid might be a better word. I know you Scott and Tom as well, the others I do not know. I am surprised Tom wanted his name attached to the letter. Also, recently it came to our attention that old sister workers are telling their younger companions to not discuss this subject without them there. Why not? One last subject, several years ago a visiting worker spoke at our convention about women’s hair. He is a Canadian worker. He must have been in Viet Nam at some point. His message was “don’t come to VN if you cannot have your hair in a bun”. After hearing this, there was someone very close to us last meeting she has attended. I believe he was told to mention something like that by the overseer who just so happens at that time always sat on the front row of brother workers, on the isle. I will continue enjoying our fellowship meetings because there is bread both on Sunday morning and Wednesday night. Gospel meetings will be attended also but if we hear anything that is not in the Bible we will walk out at once.
    President Biden has been asked several times he should step down because of his age. I feel the same for some of our workers, male or female. I’m sure there is enough money to support them to the end.

  24. John 10:27 (KJV)
    My sheep hear “My” voice, and I know them, and they follow me: Sadly your letter appears to be another voice. Scott, with all that’s going down, one can’t but help wonder, was overseer power used to strong-arm others to signing a letter such as this? If not, I really very much apologize for even mentioning that. I think that way, because your letter callously rejects any accountability and restitution for the past. True atonement is repenting of the past followed by “meaningful changes” to set things right. It is not shunning responsibility (like your letter appears to be doing) but you know that. Again, I apologize if I’m way off course, but others might think the same way after reading your letter. You really should rewrite the letter with a follow-up so saints don’t get the wrong impressions. The letter “comes across as if” you don’t care about the past, move on, cover it up, make “superficial changes” so as an overseer you get to keep unchecked (possibly abusive) absolute power. I think this way, because this overseer power was used to hide sins of the worst kind for decades, overseer’s moving child molesters around doing horrendous harm, and now you use this power to insinuate, it’s all taken care of. That sounds as if your saying we’ll keep our unchecked power that got us into this mess and continue dysfunctionality. It sounds like saying you’ll do anything to keep overseer power unchecked, even if it means the loss of many saints and sinking the ship. Please rewrite your letter so it doesn’t appear like this. Why do I write this; God’s Bible teaches us to denounce sin, not ignore and cover it up. Do you not think God had a hand in exposing these “truths” of the “PAST” to the saints, so meaningful changes can be made? Scott, your letter comes across as if you don’t like that “God” revealed the “PAST” (of overseer’s too), and you wish to fix it, by yet, another cover it up, sounds familiar. Anyone attempting to shut down what God exposed as needing to be addressed with “meaningful” changes might be in for a big surprise. That 2nd paragraph in your letter is very troublesome.

  25. Absolutely disastrous letter. What are they thinking? Folks will certainly be leaving over this. Starting to wonder if that’s what the MT/WY staff wants.

  26. “Jim”, it seems you sent another e-mail earlier this week to people near Pheonix. Your twisted lack of logic is striking, and your writing style has become unmistakable. I recall your prior e-mails knowing the age of consent in all 50 states and advice against talking to mental healthcare experts (mandatory reporters). This stuff doesn’t convince people, it makes you seem untrustworthy. What are you hiding? For reference here is “Jim’s” email: “Dear Friends,
    It is with Great joy that I share this letter with you in case you have not already seen it.
    It was refreshing to read words that look and feel inspired by God and his Son and Scripture.
    This is a very good start in the correct direction.
    Some overdue changes are still needful… but that is always the case as we journey onward and we grow as healthy children.
    your brother, Vi[dacted]”

  27. Pingback: Clarification from Scott Rauscher etc – WINGS for Truth

  28. You know why these friends were “complaining”? Udo Chapman, an ex worker, has allegations against him that he raped a 10 year old child and was kicked out of the work for it. He is still allowed to go to meetings and owns the convention grounds in Finland
    Another guy raped his own daughters and still can go to meeting.
    A third likes to get handsy with the young girls and he still gets to go to meeting.
    These friends don’t want child molesters to be able to go to meeting anymore and Scott told them to stop complaining.

  29. Pingback: MT WY Overseer Scott Rauscher admits to following pornography – WINGS for Truth

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