One thought on “Letters of Support

  1. 2 sister workers approached an older brother decades ago about a CSA incident. He said, why are you coming to me? Call the police!

    That’s exactly what should be happening every time! Criminal behavior requires authorities who are trained and paid and equipped to do the job. Every time!

    Our workers weren’t called for this. They were called to preach the gospel. They are not investigators. Sure, once the authorities are called, then they are likely to be involved with guidance from the authorities.

    It’s not our Fathers will that any perish. We are taught to love, everyone. Even our enemies. It’s everyone’s responsibility to take care of our children. We should all be united in doing that. Calling the authorities when necessary. Not dumping all our problems in the workers laps, without calling the authorities first.

    Far too much is being expected of our workers, when the obvious most important first step isn’t being implemented.

    Where are Jesus foundational principles of repentance, mercy, and forgiveness? These are things Jesus offered to everyone. Ultimately, God is the final judge, and we’ll all have to sit before the judgment seat of Christ. At that point, nothing else will matter.


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