Responding to CSA

In April 2012, the Government of Victoria, Australia launched  an Inquiry into the Handling of Child Abuse by Religious and Other Organisations. In November 2012, the Prime Minister of Australia announced a Royal Commission inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse in Australian institutions. These government initiatives show how society is now responding to the historical cases of CSA which often were handled badly or ignored and is developing new protocols to reduce this evil and to support survivors better.

The “Responding to CSA” category contains articles to help us respond correctly when we become aware of child sexual abuse.

What to do if a Child Discloses Sexual Abuse to You

Hearing a disclosure – a child telling you that someone has abused him/her – can be scary. How you respond can be critical and this article includes helpful advise to help you through the process. It also discusses reporting and why it is necessary.

Who Knows the Secret ~ How to save children from sexual predators

A helpful article by Amanda Gearing, a journalist who has supported several survivors of child sexual abuse through criminal, civil and church tribunal processes. She discusses ways to work with your child to discover child sexual abuse and how to respond.

Summary of CSA Sermon by Worker Graham Thompson

Graham Thompson spoke very helpfully on the topic of Child Sexual Abuse at Auckland Special Meetings 4th June 2012. Here is a summary of the important points.

Transcript of CSA Sermon by Worker Graham Thompson

A full transcript of Graham’s message.

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