Email from Bob and Stacy Bainbridge re worker abuse and lack of transparency

Dear Friends,

It is with Morgan’s permission that we send this email.

The absence of information and lack of acknowledgment of recent abuses and how its been or being handled has put and continues to put innocent people in harms way. So this is the reason for our letter. We would like to make clear the reason that Morgan is out of the work and in NZ.

In March of 2021 Morgan brought information forward to the overseer about emotional/psychological/narcissistic abuse and sexual misconduct by two of her older companions.

After hearing her experience he agreed that this behavior was abuse. When Morgan then informed him who the abusers were, he changed the subject. In the following weeks and months he made efforts to slander, discredit, undermine and portray her as a liar to cover up and dismiss the abuse.

With the support and similar stories from others the overseer was forced to acknowledge the abuse yet again, the acknowledgement however, was short lived. With the continued support from staff other overseers were brought in from the USA. Many hours were spent in visits with the staff during their time here, it was at this time that one of these overseers suggested to Morgan that if she was just inventing trouble as an excuse to leave the work there was no need she could just leave.

During Nov. 2021 Special meetings (on line) the staff workers along with visitors were together in NS. At this time a visiting worker Inappropriately touched Morgan on two separate occasions. Morgan realized at this point the behaviors of abuse were far greater and more wide spread then she could have imagined.

The eventual solution for all of this abuse was to move the abusers, one to Ontario, one temporarily to the USA and our overseer to Alberta.

Morgan’s only request at the time of reporting was for the abusers to step aside from the work and get the appropriate help/therapy needed. Instead we have made a safe haven for continued abuse.

Some overseers in parts of Canada and the USA have sent letters to the elders in their fields to be read to their meetings, but many places still have have not.

These things we all know are unpleasant and awkward to talk about but we cannot ignore the hurt and damage being done to the innocent. Going forward we need to know that these abusers are not just being shuffled to a different state or province to continue their abuse. These people need to be reported to the proper legal authorities.

Think about the many, many, victims that have had their lives damaged and are spending months and years in therapy from the harm these abusers have caused. The lack of acknowledgement, action and dismissiveness exacerbates the feelings for the victims of abuse. These scars are with them forever, and the hurt goes far beyond the victims, it affects all of their family and friend.

Please encourage our overseers that have influence in directing our workers to take the right course of action, be transparent in dealing with these abusers, report abuse.

Victims need to be able to speak up and be taken seriously.

Ps: In case you wonder or are hopeful that things are maybe moving in the right direction as far as recognition of harm done and the need for change and action, Within the last two weeks, Bob had a conversation with an overseer who dismissed Morgan’s examples of abuse as “silly little things”. He also in this conversation was victim blaming. However it is encouraging to read a letter written by Darryl Doland who has acknowledged the part that he has played in being complicit in trivializing, silencing and censoring these reports of abuses. We can only pray that these sentiments are contagious.

Please feel free to share as we don’t have everyone’s contact details.

Bob and Stacy

3 thoughts on “Email from Bob and Stacy Bainbridge re worker abuse and lack of transparency

  1. Pingback: Woodstock convention cancelled….again – WINGS for Truth

  2. I am so sorry your daughter has had to go through such a demeaning and disgusting experience. I hope she will seek a therapist and get some help. I know too many that say “oh, I’m over it” without getting help, and I see them a few years later and they are angry and getting more and more bitter by the day…and I’m not saying they shouldn’t be angry, it’s just that the bitterness that comes from that will destroy from within if not dealt with.
    So shameful that those who claim to be servants of God could possibly be purposeful in harming another human. Yet, they are the largest group of predators of the names being collected! New workers need to be warned by their Elders, their family, and the Overseers before heading off with their new companions. The police is the phone call to be made about ANY type of abuse. Please have your daughter turn in the abuser!! Otherwise their will just be more victims.

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