Australian publicity

In a joint statement, the sect’s Australian leaders Malcolm Clapham, Graeme Dalton, Wayne Dean, Trevor Joll, Alan Mitchell, Steven Thorpe, who are based across several states, told the ABC they took allegations of child sexual abuse seriously.

“We are aware of some historic cases where individuals who were respected within the fellowship abused people’s trust,” they said.

“We acknowledge that these matters were not always appropriately addressed in the past, and we are truly sorry for any immeasurable long-term damage to victims.

“We have learnt from these experiences and are constantly reviewing our current practices to keep children safe in our fellowship.”

They said their intention is to partner with an expert external organisation to review their “policies and procedures and provide independent, unbiased advice and recommendations, particularly in relation to dealing with allegations received from third parties where information can be lacking and difficult to substantiate”.


The table below shows some of the key events that have created publicity in Australia. Questions some ask are why did it take so long for overseers to promulgate policies, and are the policies being implemented thoroughly.

2008WINGS was established with representatives from USA, Canada and Australia.
2012WINGS published a transcript of a sermon by New Zealand worker Graham Thompson, well known in Australia, which provided clear guidance on dealing with child abuse.
2012Victorian State Government commenced an enquiry into the Handling of Child Abuse by Religious and Other Organisations. The report was published in 2013.
2013A Code of Conduct was published by WINGS, developed with the support of several workers and friends, and issued to provide a model for overseers to use in their various territories.
2013The Australian Federal Government commenced a Royal Commission Inquiry into CSA in Australian Institutions. The final report was published in 2017
2013Publicity in the Melbourne Age about abuse within the fellowship.
201960 Minutes Programme in Australia had a 25 minute feature on child abuse cases within the fellowship in Australia.
2019 to 2021Child Safety Codes and Policies were issued in Australian States Victoria, Tasmania, NSW, ACT, South Australia, Northern Territory, West Australia and Queensland.
2023Australia/NZ Overseers’ Letter to the Church.
2023Australian support group ‘The Brave Truth Australia’ created.
2023Australia / New Zealand Overseers Create Advisory Group.
2023Convention Guidelines issued, with reminder that Child Safe Policy and Workers Code of Conduct are available on request.

2 thoughts on “Australian publicity

  1. It’s window-dressing and obfuscation. We all know next to nothing is being done, at least not consistently. And their practice of ‘zero tolerance’ is an ongoing bad joke.

  2. A lot of good things are be said, but what is actually being done? From a similar write up in 2015 on Wings For Truth, one women wrote a very touching reply that said:

    ” I was in the meetings for 40 years, and the victim of child sexual abuse by a worker at the age of 6. The trauma was so great that my mind buried the memories until the perpetrator died and circumstances caused me to leave the meetings, only then did I feel safe enough to allow the realisation to surface. Since a young child, I was very afraid of the male workers – I just accepted this as normal – it was for me. The consequences of the abuse were deep and long lasting – I am still very wary of men; for most of my life I believed that if I upset a male they would commit suicide and it would be entirely my fault, Possibly the most damaging aspect of all is the impact on my relationship with God. Being taught in the meetings that God is male, the workers (particularly the males) are ambassadors for God, and being sexually abused as a young child by one of them, has not been conducive to trusting in a loving, compassionate God. I have spent the last 9 years “reprogramming” myself, and studying other, more positive spiritual beliefs that were forbidden when in the meetings, but there appears to still be some deeply negative beliefs that prevent me from completely trusting and having an intimate relationship with God. I am hoping that I will be able to release them”.

    This woman has a powerful story! Her story, sadly, is not unique. And in the nine years since this story was written, the same events leading to the same story has happened over and over again. Why? The culture of the church. Hide the abuse, shelter and “forgive” the abuser (who is actually treated like the victim in this crime), and to have the face of “the perfect way”. And, all that can be held up on the score board is more abuse, and more feeling sorry for the abusers.

    What’s the answer? As this child sexual abuse survivor said, “The trauma was so great that my mind buried the memories until the perpetrator died and circumstances caused me to leave the meetings, only then did I feel safe enough to allow the realisation to surface”. Leave the meetings. This is not an anti- meetings speech, this is advice from a child sexual abuse survivor. Get away from the group culture and the result is that the mind is able to think.

    Why do people refer to the church as “the meetings”? Meetings is what makes the church. That is the entrance point for any ” outsiders “; gospel meetings. Meetings occupy free time that could be used for meditation that may not be inclusive to meetings. If meeting attendance is lessened, the overall church strength regarding number of membership is weakened. Meetings attendance is the lifeblood of the church. If that cycle of meeting attendance can be broken, many people find themselves ” leaving the meetings/church “.

    Thank you to this courageous sexual abuse survivor, that since being just a child, has had to endure a factor in her life that has made life so much more difficult. A situation that happened in an instant. Something that never should have happened. May God bless her!

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