Australian overseer pressured to drop zero-tolerance policy

WINGS Note: A letter is being circulated from Western NSW, asking for the zero-tolerance policy to be abolished. Pressure is being put on Graeme Dalton (overseer of NSW) to rescind the policy of zero tolerance of people with allegations against them of child sexual abuse; for the policy to be reversed and these people be returned to the fellowship including allowed to attend convention.

Local workers at two conventions have been sent this letter asking them to stand against Graeme on this matter.

Dear Glencoe and Booyong Preps teams

Today was a day we never thought we would experience in our walk with God. A time when we have questioned the judgement of God’s Servants and their guidance.

We want to let you know of a discussion that was had after Gwen’s funeral at Tullibigeal with Graeme and Ned when a group of friends, spoke on behalf of a big circle of friends.

An earnest request was made to Graeme for the total abolition of the policy.  We believe the policy is not aligned with the doctrine of Jesus’s teachings of forgiveness and therefore we can’t accept it.

We all feel for Graeme in this situation, and sense he needs lots of support to take the step of removing his involvement, and releasing all of our congregation from the bondage we all find ourselves unwillingly in.

We sense Graeme may be in a fearful situation, yet he could not provide an answer to this question of why he is fearful or of whom he is afraid.

We earnestly offered to support him to withdraw from this agreement.

There is an overwhelming feeling that this needs to be resolved before convention, so a time frame of 3 days was put to Graeme to withdraw totally from the bonds of the policy.

The second issue that was requested, and this perhaps applies to preps as much as convention….. that all recording and compilation of names that are being recorded, stored (and most concerning its destination) needs to stop immediately, and deleted.  This is a violation on many levels and is a side issue of the policy.

So, please, with the total support of a big circle of deeply caring friends, encourage Graeme in any and every way possible to take immediate steps to disentangle/withdraw from the policy.


Names redacted

23 thoughts on “Australian overseer pressured to drop zero-tolerance policy

  1. Sadly, those pushing for such are very mistaken.
    It’s true if there’s an OFFENSE between to people, Jesus gave instruction on forgiveness.

    This is not just an Offense. It’s a crime, and they are people who don’t respect the sanctity of marriage, nor do they respect the families /children , nor do they respect God, because these children are HIS, nor are they reading and praying-honestly.
    IF these FELONS truly wanted to make things right, they would:
    1) admit they were wron
    2) admit to every child/adult they have assaulted
    3) admit it’s a crime and a sin against the child, the family, the church as a whole, and against Jesus, and against the God of Heaven.
    4) they would ask to make amends
    5) they would CHOOSE to stay away from all gatherings where there’s women or children, as to not tempt themselves again!

    So, if they aren’t following every single step, then these CRIMINALS are only coming to search for their next VICTIMS!!!

    We stand with Graem, and appreciate his efforts to keep everyone safe.

    The victims can forgive, and it’s encouraged. That doesn’t mean you throw the Fox back into the henhouse. Let’s be prudent!

  2. Am I really understanding what is written here? It should be okay for workers or anybody else to do whatever they want to to whomever they want to, say “Sorry” and that’s all OK??????

  3. What in God ‘s green earth is wrong with you idiot people!!!!!!
    Are you trying to keep the abuser predator from repenting???
    You are absolutely guilty of his very sin and you will be held responsible for him going to a lost eternity and you who keep him from repentance will follow right into that eternal condemnation!!!!!!!
    To the overseer, I write, do NOT comply to their ungodly demands!!!!!! I pray that God will give you the wisdom and strength to hold steadfast in what you wrote about keeping the ungodly predators from the fellowship!!!!! Do NOT,! I say again, DO NOT!, comply to their devilish demands!!!!!!!

    • And who pray tell will be held accountable for the souls of those who he has abused and discarded? Who will be held accountable for the young lives that he/she destroys, whose lives are forever changed by his evil, whose spiritual life may also no longer be the same. Who would Jesus defend? Do you think he would defend this evil person and discard the vulnerable? Who should you be protecting, you poor misguided soul?

  4. The very tone of this letter and the fact that this group of friends had the audacity to raise the issue right after a funeral, smacks strongly of ‘mob rule’.
    A group of friends spoke of behalf of a ‘big circle of friends’, really? I dare say your ‘big circle of friends’ does not include any victims or survivors of CSA. You and your group of friends are not those that any God fearing person would want to have fellowship with.
    Do you realise that this policy that you are seeking to abolish, has been put in place to protect the vulnerable from people exactly like you? I mean, what sort of person comes out yelling and shouting to let child abusers back into ‘fellowship’?
    The ignorant, the unlearned and the ungodly, that’s who!
    You say that Graeme Dalton needs a lot of support? He sure does! We just hope that there will be plenty there to keep behind him and keep supporting him against this unruly mob of threatening thugs.
    Keep firm, keep true.

    • I wonder if the person they are trying to get back in to fellowship is a family member, and that’s the “group” they are referring to.
      Predators are just that, predators. They are in constant search for a new victim everywhere they go. If they attend a meeting, it’s definitely NOT for any spiritual purpose.
      Graeme, here’s to another 8 people from our house in support of your stance!

  5. Taking a stand against Rape, abuse, and raping children is wrong. Would Jesus support this. What the heck is wrong with these “overseers” Are they blind overseers?
    I don’t know who you are Graeme but, keep your stance. You have thousands of people supporting you.

    • Deborah, it’s not the over the overseer that is wanting this reversed, it’s some people who are in support of a predator coming back to meeting, and they are claiming there’s a “large group”…I’m wondering if it’s not a family member. But, they clearly do not understand the scripture, no matter who they are.

  6. You should be questioning the Abuse that is going on with workers, overseers, elders etc. Not questioning a policy that is against perps. Are you that blind not to see the errors of your ways. Many will be called but few chosen. You will not be Gods chosen ones. Graeme will be for trying to stop the sexual rapes and abuse with children and adults. Zero policy is what all the fellowship needs NOW!!

    • Concerning the Letter: Decision of Graeme and Ned; the need for dropping the protection of children and women is highly underscored by the need of someones “twisted, uncontrolled, perverted sex drive. This is not a normal – oops, I made a mistake. Nor is it “Normal” for people in authority to hide such hideous criminal crimes; and then to think that self called – God’s servants – not only committed but also HIDE the abuse to our most vulnerable – our children — Psalms 127:3
      and then also–DON’T forget the perverted privileged “Elders” — 1 Peter 5:3 ‘elders’ feed the flock of God — be “ensamples” to the flock of God!
      How DARE anyone use the the heinous Death on the cross of our Lord God and Saviour; Jesus Christ Our Lord: as the “”reason”” to DROP the Zero-Tolerance Policy and the “identifying” of such criminals in our midst.
      Jesus in his fleshly ministry of the promised, = gospel
      covenanted Kingdom of a perfect World
      and abundant every need supplied
      to His Chosen Nation of Israel
      “makes very plain” the DOCTRINE of His Perfect Kingdom on Earth.
      Matthew 18:1-:10. and :15 – :17, let him be as an heathen man and a publican. etc…
      And do you also need Doctrine after Jesus death to pay for all mens SINS?:::
      Look no further than Acts 5:1 – :11
      The result: Acts 5:11. AND “great Fear” came upon ALL the church
      AND “upon as many as heard these things”!!! That is the result you need!
      IS IT REALLY a ‘group of friends’ SPOKE on behalf of a “Large Circle of Friends”??? Is this really possible THAT a Large Circle of Friends really are unable to read Our Holy Bible as written??!! In the Gospel of Jesus in His flesh walking the dusty roads of Israel to bring that Nation of God’s Chosen – the Nation of Israel “”Back to God””; is it possible to twist and wrest that “doctrine”: so vehemently criminal??? Yes, even against the very Criminal Laws oF Nations! Let alone God’s Law!
      Please; we realize there are great atrocities committed in the Name of Religion:::
      But remember: YOU call yourselves — God’s Only One True Way!??
      And you say you are preaching the “Kingdom Gospel” exactly as Jesus did!!??

  7. “Zero policy is what all the fellowship needs NOW!!” Society needs zero policy. ANY religious group should require it to be absolutely essential to have a zero tolerance policy for sexual assaults and abuse. Any deviance from zero tolerance policy for sexual assaults and abuse in a religious organization and that person in violation should be expelled. No exceptions. People want to have their own way with weaker individuals, they are kicked out.

  8. This may not be the perfect place to express what has been in my heart and what God has revealed to me. In expressing this it is in the hope that the abused will get REAL help – which comes from God. Which I have proven.
    To begin, I believe that every abuser and enabler should be facing severe consequences of their actions, including NONE of them should be in any meetings – until they have repented sincerely and SHOW the FRUIT of repentance – which would take years for that to happen. I am NOT supporting the enablers or abusers in any way but believe if they truly turn to God for help, sincerely want that help, that they can get help – before that happens, they have nothing of God in their life anyway – so why would they be in ANY meetings??
    And so here goes. First, I have understood that this site is to HELP the abused. Reading most of what is on here I wonder – WHERE is the help and HOW is this helping anyone??? It seems to me it has become a place to do bashing, complaining, expressing hate, pointing of fingers, accusing, sarcasm, mockery etc etc. How is that helping??? Far as I can figure all its doing is feeding the wrong things – feeding the beast – of REVENGE. How is that helping??? Why isnt there SPIRITUAL insight given, why arent people saying – this is what God revealed to me, and did for me??? Isnt that where REAL help comes from??? And so here goes. This is what came to me this past week and I shared on Sunday.
    The past few years I have been reminded that if anyone has been a child of God for 10 to 50 years and still is sitting in the place of low self esteem and no sense of self worth – there is a God problem. And its not God that is the problem, it is us. It was shown to me early Sunday morning that the problem is either weak faith, lack of faith or no faith. Then that list became bigger. and this is where the backlash is sure to come. If we have been sitting in the -what happened in the past – and the filth and muck and mire of that for fifty years – there is a God problem – in others words lack of faith or no faith. God never intended ANYONE to live anything less than a life filled with joy with HIM. Anything that has or is taking away that joy needs to be dealt with -and its OUR duty to deal with it – by Turning to God for help and for release of the muck and mire we are stuck in. Yes terrible things have and will happen Just think of in the Old Testament when Amnon forced his SISTER Tamar and after he raped her he HATED her. No different than today, is it?? It is OUR choice to sit in the muck for the rest of our lives, or to seek God’s help and go onward and forward. I have had many experiences that have been horrible and when I asked God to release me from them = guess what – I was released. I am free of them. BUT God can only release us if we FIRST release our stronghold on them. IF we sincerely from the bottom of our hearts WANT to be released.
    It says that what is loosed on earth will be loosed in heaven. What is bound on earth will be bound in heaven. So the question is – What do we want to be bound to in heaven forever more??? Do we WANT to be bound to the muck and mire forever and ever???
    Yes you have faced horrible things but to dwell on it forever is not the answer The answer is in Jesus. I have proved it. To prove it we must have faith – total faith and trust in Him. In proving God we increase our faith.
    So in the end it is each persons decision what they want to be bound to here on earth and unwilling to let go, or we can decide to loose it and live free. The Truth makes us free and it does indeed but we have to be immersed in truth to be made free.
    Someone posted about what happens in our bodies when abuse occurs. I read it and through – I am sure glad I knew nothing about this and turned to God for help instead of pills which do nothing but cover up, if even that. Then I thought if people who have been abused are told all about the chemical reactions – what a perfect excuse to sit and do nothing! It just enables people to justify their misery, to stay where they are. Pills are not the answer – God is I personally proven it. You can too. Again – ask yourself the question – what do you want to be bound to in heaven forever and ever?? What do you want to have loose from your lives?? This is YOUR decision.
    I have written this because I care about giving help instead of complaining, anger, discontentment etc etc. I know there will be a backlash. I know some will say – you dont understand – oh?? Really – what do you know about me and what I have been thru. I must say – nothing. You have no clue. But in the end my trust and confidence is in God and God alone. He has been my help and will continue to be

  9. Sharon, I appreciate your post. Although, I disagree that any predator should ever be allowed back into fellowship. That doesn’t mean they can’t be forgiven IF they choose to make things right, but rather, if they wanted to be right, THEY would choose to not be in places of temptation, just as those who have other addictions wouldn’t choose to go back to places that would trigger them. They prey on us, because we are a trusting people, and want to find the good in each other. I’m sure you know this already, but no predator ever has “just one victim”. The average is 10+. There’s a man in Alaska that had over 300 (well, he can’t really remember exactly how many, but he can remember that many) who was a part of this fellowship for many years. He punked the workers, after many years in prison, into believing he was healed – and he was SUPER arrogant about “how much HE’D suffered” and how HE’D been “Nailed to the cross”, and a bunch of other blabberings…and he was again…decades later…chasing the friends children (just in the past six months or so), and it took one mother begging on social media to get a bunch of us on board to move the staff to ban him from meetings. The local workers were doing nothing, no matter how much she pleaded…turns out, the older brother had no respect for the sanctity of marriage and was diddling with other men’s wives, so how could he possibly point out another man’s sin?!!

    Yes, God is the answer, but sometimes we need someone in a human body who understands our situation to just hear us out. If that means a therapist is necessary, or a good friend, or rapid eye movement therapy…then, good for them for seeking out every means necessary to rise above and become the survivors they can be! I agree that just getting on medication and not working through things is not going to help anyone move forward, but if medication is necessary for a crutch to help them, please don’t knock it. Not everyone has the support, faith, life that you do, but they all deserve to get their lives back that were stolen from them.

  10. Sharon, you have a very clear understanding of your journey. We are very concerned that You know God’s Word as written in Your Holy Bible. This is a desperate hope because Jesus warned His very appointed “Apostles” had been with him for 3 years; Matthew 24:4&:5 Do Not Be Deceived! – 2 times. And then Jesus explained to them thru Math. 25: those truths that they would NOT be deceived. As we study through Acts 12:, we see they were Not deceived as they stayed true to the Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and that promise to that Nation of Israel.
    What is the reason we are concerned? We were very positive, very settled, and completely committed to our hope and being; with the 2×2’s. It was our very life and our very identity. Five years of unbelief of facts that happened: finally shook-us enough to desperately turn to the only source we knew, that man had NOT messed-up. OUR Holy Bible!
    And that in simple English, God’s Word did NOT change: regardless of our questions. We became shunned. God’s Word still DID NOT change.
    The realization as we read and studied; that we had been deceived for decades: was far the worst. Just read the 12 “apostles Doctrine” in Acts 2:42-:46. : 42 Those New “believers” continued STEADFASTLY in The “Apostles Doctrine”: which is; and was; and in future will be THE Law of Moses for the Nation of Israel.
    :46 and they, “continuing daily with one accord “”in the TEMPLE””:: was that BAD? NO! (They were following God’s very Law; God gave to Moses;
    For God’s Nation of Israel. The 12 did: Luke 24:53; Acts 3:1 at the hour of prayer–Jews still do–even though NO Temple – they go “at hour of prayer” to the ‘wailing wall’ that is all that is left there for them, now.)
    That cannot be true: if the One, Only True Way is!
    We finally had to believe God’s Word. AND not: I thought; or We were told, or My parents knew—-.
    You are correct: God is the answer. BUT you must be sure! And God’s Word IS HOW God informs and Speaks! Now! Yes, we can understand.
    Yea, the DEEP things of God…1 Corinthians 2:9, :10, :11
    We are grateful you have faced the reality of your abuses and your abuser. We are grateful you have been released.
    Matthew 16:18-:20, Jesus gave Peter the “keys of the Kingdom of heaven on earth”, and whatsoever Peter shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; ….thou shalt loose on earth, shall be loosed in heaven. That was a very HUGE responsibility for Peter and concerned Jesus’ believers.
    Chapter 18: extends that HUGE responsibility to the other 11. Jesus, God, the Son; and God, the Father WILL honor the decisions made by the 12; in heaven.
    Sharon: please read and reread ‘henoffour’s post concerning your subject of your post. Wings has made one thing very Important: each one’s struggle is different. We must respect THAT and pray for their healing in their journey. It is evident that ‘henoffour’ has been in the trenches of therapy with victims. Therefore, ‘henoffour’ also has become very aware of ‘triggers’. EVEN when a victim has forgiven and thinks they have forgotten; our brains are equipped with self protection. That kicks in without our conscious thought of hate or revenge or unforgiveness or whatever. AS humans, we do not have control over that! Even if we have made the decision to have faith in Jesus. We hope that never happens to you! That is why the abuser should NOT be in Group settings.
    Yes, Paul explains in THAT: “Gospel of the Grace of God” that God revealed to him; then God made Paul to be the “Apostle” to the Gentiles: — Ephesians 3:1-9
    2 Corinthians 5:21 =THAT God made Jesus((who knew NO Son)) to be “SIN” sin for us; THAT we might be made the “righteousness” of God in Christ.
    WHEN you are able to fully understand 2 Corinthians 5:14 – :20; and that we do NOT Know Christ after the flesh(walking the dusty roads of Israel as Jesus sought to bring that nation Israel, back to God)
    WE ONLY KNOW the risen, the resurrected Christ who paid ALL the sins of ALL the World and ROSE triumphantly over all sin and death.
    You are correct: we must have faith: but faith in what? Redemption in His blood…Ephesians 1:7-:8, :12-:13 and 2:4-:9 explains what happens after we believe. As does Romans 3:21-:26. :22 explains it is the Faith of Jesus unto and upon ALL that “”believe” –:23, :24, and :25 this -How?
    By Faith in the finished Work of Jesus on the “cross”
    It is NOT what we do! It is What Jesus on the “cross” Did!
    THAT I may KNOW Christ and the very “POWER of Christ’s Resurrection”; when God raised Jesus from the Grave; to become Christ = Our Messiah!
    THAT is our Faith and Hope: THE Gospel of the Grace of God.
    Ephesians 1:7 redemption according to “his will” the forgiveness of sins
    :8 He hath abounded toward us. (( :12-:13 ye trusted–ye believed)
    :9 the “mystery of His will”, according to His good pleasure
    Ephesians 1:17 -:23. :18 The “eyes” of your understanding be “opened”…
    No one is “FEEDING the Beast of REVENGE!
    What you call filth and muck and mire is only their journey to take THAT responsibility off from themselves: and very definitely put all responsibility on the perpetrator! WHERE IT SHOULD BE! That does not mean you cannot forgive them. But their problem must admitted; be dealt with and as you say: “They do not have God in their life, anyway, so why wouold they NEED to be in meeting???”
    A victim has to recognize their experience for what “it is”:, before they can begin to heal.
    Release comes much later!
    We are very encouraged that you have reached the stage of release.
    We sincerely pray that you DO NOT experience any triggers that puts your brain into the ‘fight or flight mode’. That is not a God Problem – That is a physical problem built into our self protection mode for human survival.

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