Robert Corfield circumstances

WINGS Note: This letter was written by a professing man and sent to all workers in leadership in western US. WINGS is publishing this letter because it is a good example of professing men standing up and giving the workers guidence based on their professional positions and experience. It is also a reminder of how important it is to let professionals and law enforcement deal with victim statements and perpetrator contact.

It is also a reminder that further action is likely in some cases.

From (name redacted): 

Many situations of late have landed in my care, simply because I’ve been in the right place at the right time on more than one occasion and was able and willing to help. I’m not passive when it comes to children’s welfare and also vulnerable adults. My background also lends itself to understanding how to handle these situations maybe better than most. I spent 8 years with Spokane County working oftentimes side by side with the Sheriff’s Department personnel on many issues. I was formally trained on investigations, interrogations, and body language and used this training extensively while doing investigations from a Risk Management perspective.

Matt Smith has also been a big help. He is retired military and now works in Law Enforcement as a training officer at the police academy here in Helena, MT. He has penned a few letters describing how CSA/SA situations within the church MUST be handled from a legal standpoint as well as a moral standpoint. The workers have also appreciated his input and help.

Information was shared with me with details from Robert Corfield’s primary victim in Saskatchewan. I waited for as much detail as possible and vetted the information.

Since the information gathered was horrible, with lots of detail, I decided it was best that Matt Smith and I drive directly to the Manhattan grounds and meet face to face with Robert. We were hoping Scott Rauscher was also present when we got there, but felt it was best to not give anyone forewarning that we were coming. Unfortunately, I’ve also been involved in a couple of visits where the individual was given forewarning and thus, was able to make up a story to deny things and plan ahead on how they would respond. This is precisely why it was necessary to drop in on Robert without notice.

Robert was in charge of the preps at Manhattan and was leaving soon to join the crew at Ronan convention before returning for Manhattan preps. It was imperative with the information I had, that he did not have any more opportunity to be in close contact with minors and that quick handling of the situation was critical.

We found Robert in the brother worker quarters at Manhattan and he was alone. We told him we needed to visit with him and he agreed. Robert knows us, and mentioned that he was grateful for all the help we had been giving the workers and friends with the current issues. 

I explained to him that we were there to address an issue that involved himself. He was surprised. I told him that I would read to him all the facts and details we had and once I was finished, we could discuss it.

When I finished reading, Robert hung his head and said, “it’s all true”. 

Without going into much of the details of that conversation, I will say that Robert’s response was very humble and honest. He acknowledged that he still struggles with the desire for pedophilia and understood that he could no longer be allowed access to children. He mentioned multiple times that what Matt and myself were doing, and how we had come directly to him was “the right thing to do”. He thanked us. As hard as the discussion was for him, he seemed quite relieved that he would no longer have to face his temptation on a daily basis. 

We called Scott immediately after our visit and informed him of what had taken place and that Robert could no longer fill a role in the ministry. We also informed him that Robert could no longer attend any meetings where children would or could be present. Scott said he understood and asked us for permission to have Robert drive to Ronan where he was and they could work on a plan for him. I told him as long as there were no children present that would be fine, but he would need to leave before family’s arrived for preps later in the week.

Matt and I helped Scott write the notification letter to be sent out to the MT/WY friends.

We did this so that he would not use any ‘triggering’ comments for former victims or for victims we did not know about yet. 

Incidentally, there have been two more victims speak out since the news on Robert was sent out. This is also why workers should never pen these types of letters without help on how they need to be worded.

We know when these things arise, that the workers and overseers have virtually zero experience or, quite frankly, the credibility currently to handle the situation correctly. This is why this situation was handled in the manner it was, without involving other workers first.

It worked perfectly and this is how these situations should be handled. The result has been best for all involved.

Another side note. Robert will likely be facing criminal charges since there is no statute of limitations in Canada or MT. He committed crimes in both locations. Those who also knew of Robert’s crimes and failed to report (Dale Schultz, primarily) will also likely face criminal charges. Dale was horrible to Robert’s primary victim and needs to be held accountable for that situation and many, many others he has handled horribly and with utter disdain for victims.

As we have been asked to, and moved to help, we are keenly aware of the need to address these situations with God’s help and Spirit leading. God does expect action, but it must be according to his Will and in His timing. Without God’s leading we would be no better than those who have committed these horrific acts.

Hopefully this is helpful to you and others.


(Name redacted)

A letter from Matt Smith has been published by WINGS. See

28 thoughts on “Robert Corfield circumstances

  1. Thank you, more than you can know from one who is anxious for there to be reckoning for the sake of the victims and that these things might not happen again, ever.

    I am sorry that you both had to go through that, but your efforts are not in vain and not unappreciated.

    From a sister who cares.

    • This additional news about Corfield is really personal – my then 11 year old kid – a thin tall good looking boy – professed at the Saturday Nite meeting with this pervert on the platform that night in Manhattan Montana. Me and the family left the state a short time later for work. This pervert wrote my kid letters with handmade cheap little religious trinkets for a few years. I thought at the time that a worker of his status showing interest in my kid was nice. Very mad now that I know what the creep was up to. Corfield could have ruined my kid for life if he got him alone somewhere. Got even madder that church leader Schultz knew about all Corfield being a very bad pervert – hope they both spend a lot of time in the jail. And please NO long winded responses supporting the church are needed or wanted – keep it to CSA.

  2. Thank you for posting this letter and thanks to it’s author as well.
    Sadly I’m not surprised at all. Dale is just another Eldonite. Deny all claims. And running cover for child molesters while lording over those of us who have divorced and remarried. I find it sickening that my status in the fellowship is less than that of a child molester because I’m divorced and remarried. We have a child molester in our Sunday meeting. (On the 5th Sunday) .he takes part, emblems, full privileges. We were never notified. Found out from the 3 ladies who run advocates for the truth website.
    Sounds like Dale is going to be held accountable. Society will prosucute those who have failed to report, and those who committed horrible crimes against those who could not protect themselves.
    Best regards
    Skip Thompson (PNW)

    • Have you heard anything about Dale? I am so surprised that I haven’t seen a letter from other western workers about him being asked to step down…!

  3. I’m especially deeply thankful for the actions of Mr. Foster and Mr. Smith. If anyone knows them directly, please shake their hands for me.

    As a professing person and a retired clinician who has specialized in Sex Offender treatment (I also have a minor law enforcement background), I was beginning to lose hope…

    I feared that too few people were taking DIRECT, hands-on action with the powers that be, and specifically the perpetrators. Mr. Foster and Mr. Smith’s approach was perfect when dealing with members of this population.

    Please understand that I also deeply appreciate all of the efforts of Sheri, Lauren, and Cynthia. It is their collective emboldened actions that make going forward possible.

    It’s just that more of us need to step up to directly address the issues and take action against those guily of perpetrating CSA/SA. If overseers are not willing/hiding, then their motivations should be closely scrutinized, and they should be removed, if not have charges brought against them. If workers are not willing, then they should examine their behaviors/morals/motives. If elders are not willing, then they shouldn’t be elders. If many of the friends are not willing, then they should pray for more clarity and movement in their hearts. Collectively, we need to take our heads out of the sand to protect all.

    • I’ve posted on the WINGS group on Facebook in hopes to facilitate conversation on action steps. I’ve heard a lot of folks saying “I don’t know what to do or where to start” and I hope we can have some beneficial and actionable conversation. I’d appreciate hearing your thoughts on what that action might look like.

  4. I am overwhelmingly thankful to read of two of God’s people willing and able to stop a sexual predator. It is clear to me this change has to come from God’s people. Robert Corfield had from March, when Dean Bruer being a sexual predator came to light, until mid-May to remove himself from God’s Ministry. He didn’t! He remained speaking in gospel meetings, he continued staying in the homes of God’s people. I had hoped that workers that are sexually perverted would remove themselves from God’s Ministry. It is clear to me that they will not. Please let there be more Elders and more of God’s people willing and able to act like this and remove this evil from God’s Kingdom.

  5. This is one of the most tragic letters I have read in a long time — Tragic for everyone involved ..Especially victims .. and including all the folks that have discovered their misplaced trust .. and even for Dale Shultz as well.

    I was Dales companion in the work twice back in the late 60s and early 70s. Had lots of good times then .. and I felt at that time that he was an honorable man. However as time has progressed and he has advanced in the 2×2 hiearchy this ‘goodness’ seems to have been diluted out in devotion to the system —— and now this “goodness” has obviously been completely replaced by the a misguided (evil) belief that his ultimate responsibility is protection of the honor of the organization.

    He is also one of the main responsible workers for mine och my families rejection from the fellowship — although on completely different grounds than CSA.

    However that being said — Our expulsion has unexpectedly turned out to be one of the greatest blessings in our lives. It has open so many new doors to beauty and spiritual development that it is hard to imagine life without them.

    Sorry if some may find this last comment offensive .. I realize that I’m an ‘outsider’ in an environment of concerned ‘insiders’

    • Edgar you always have taken the opportunity to take shots at the fellowship even using CSA. I wonder how much you “knew” in your time in the work? I guess you were also always honourable and without blame.

      I think you should be writing a thank you letter to the workers for the blessings of your life in them booting you out.

      • Daniel, from one insider to another, please help not disparage those who happen to be outside. There are MANY good-hearted people outside. Both inside and outside people are helping correct this mess we find ourselves in. This is a mess created by insiders, and we need outside help to fix it.

      • Before taking any more potshots at Edgar please read his account at – he sounds like a mighty fine man to me. Then if you still want to throw rocks direct them at the awful ones that did CSA/SA crimes and those that knew about them then ran cover or pretended they did not know anything.

      • I did get the sarcastic tone in yours Brian, but I can understand it from where I suspect you and many others are at the moment.

        In any case the question themselves were legitiment enough and I will try and answer them as kindly as I can. Yes I have condemned the fellowship for its reaction to CSA a number of times — long before the Dean Bruer issue came up. Recent reaction from insiders has been equally hard!!!

        Strangely enough, the extreme non-transparency of 2x2ism makes it so that ‘ex’membership has often had much more internal information regarding the negative aspects of the fellowship (like CSA and SA and abuse in general than the ‘true and faithful’ Folks on the ‘inside’ have general resistance to any kind of research on negative concerns … I know I did too — until being ‘thrown out’ removes that resistence. Sadly, ‘insiders’ traditionally disregard information from ‘outsiders’ as manufactured lies fromt bitter and worldly folks.

        When I was an ‘insider’ I was on a similar level of understanding as everyone else —

        However one of my greatest regrets of my entire life is from a happening 1979 on a home visit from Sweden, when I had a visit with 2 wonderful sister workers that I had known very well. They had come home to Canada unexpectedly from South America — no explanations… and obviously were in very bad shape. I just got a few underhanded hints of the abuse they had been exposed to (they had been forbidden to ever talk about it to anyone) Today I am so ashamed of my self for the moment I decided to let it slide, and return to the work in Sweden, instead of making a fuss over the injustice and moral abandonment they had suffered — One of them passed away of mental health issues years later — the others life has also been destroyed in many ways although she is still living as far as I know. (also an ‘ex’. So to answer your question, I do have personal regrets and and moral shame from my time ‘inside’ Terrible moral failure on my part in that instance.

        Your suggestion of a thankyou note — I have expressed thankfulness for the new doors of privelage and beauty opened up to us by our exit —- maybe not to the workers directly involved. Doubt it they would accept that thankfulness!!

      • well Dan ..when l read your comments..l seen my self in the same situation 23 years ago..l was so smug and self rightious..hey l was part of a fellowship that had the franchise to salvation…l didnt need or want anything to do with my heathen neighbors ..l truly feel sorry for older folks who are genuine and in desperation …not knowing what to do or who to even trust.. and the ones who they should be able to look to for direction are the very ones who are responsible for this hideous more cynical can it get..?!? The very ones they trust thier souls with are preaching morality from the platform and are possibly scoping out the crowd for another victim ..the perpetrators are twisted ..sick people and need help…but the ones responsible for allowing them in illegal positions and situations are CRIMINALS…and just because they they havent be tried in the court of law..yet…doesnt make them innocent. But an equal and just as disscusting state of affairs is enormous ..secretive amount of money..that the head workers have access to..with many wills and inheritences givent to them…pluss the the fat cats with 3 car garages that keep the Mercedes fuel tanks full and mastercardaccount topped off..and that special room..just for the servants….ln my wildest dreams..l cant connect this with spirituality or salvation..and Yes l thank Willis Propp every time his name comes to mind…for his part in revealing the true purpose and intentions of what he truly represented..thnx again..Willis

      • I don’t believe Edgar is taking shots, he is speaking from experience. He has advocated for several people against the injustice being served them. He was excommunicated for that.
        We see the same things happening now more than 20 years later.
        Leadership seems to have learned nothing.
        If you are going to criticize, take a good look at was is happening today and has been happening for years.
        Your criticism should be directed in a different direction than at Edgar .
        Or, are you ok with this state of affairs?

    • Edgar, glad that God knows the intent of our hearts and thankful we will stand before HIM and not men. Your parents were wonderful examples of truth. I was in their home many times and know three of your siblings. You are Ron were best buddies and so sad fkjcto read about him. You don’t need to know me and I have never met you. What you are expressing in sad..but glad God sees the big picture and we don’t. What has happened in Saskatchewan and Canada has a whole is heartbreaking. Glad for the professing men that dealing with this sorrow that has taken place in Saskatchewan. Dale is going to be held accountable for how he has handled CSA and SA. Feel so for the victims and hope they can find some healing with help from honest professionals.

      • Thanks for sharing Annonymous. Yes western Canada has taken some hits. I knew Robert Cornfield when he worked in Sask. Yes, and Ron Hanson and I were close friends. Dale Shultz and I were companions several times. Also knew Walter Burkinshaw well. Merlin Affleck was my brother’s best friend as younger. Jim Atcheson was a close teenage friend of mine. There are lots of untold stories!

      • I have often wondered about Jim Atcheson’s influence in making the overseers at the time decide NOT to make public what Ron Hanson did. Shouldnt he be accountable?? I have wondered WHY he wanted it hid/covered up?? The Ron Hanson coverup played a big part in my leaving the work. Saw the corruption and could not work within that. Is it called having integrity????

    • I heard Dale preach about Saul of Tarsus back in the day when I was in the Work in SK… about Saul being a good man in the beginning… and protecting what was right. BUT Saul went wrong… terribly terribly WRONG and work
      AGAINST God. As I was listening… I thought at the time: DALE, YOU ARE PREACHING TO YOURSELF!!! (Sometimes we do, as workers.)

  6. Edgar, telling about the two sister brought tears to my eyes. I saw the one at Aylesbury a couple years before she died…we had several good visits and she had weathered a few storms but still had her beautiful smile. The second we tried to connect but I had to return home because of a dying parent and we never did connect. The three is us shared the same experience of a companion of mental abuse and it fell to deaf ears. Loved my years in Saskatchewan and really my 25 plus years in Canada…Joy and sorrow interwoven. Victims should be first..but that is not the cases in Canadian incidents..that is so heartbreaking. Especially my heart goes out to Bob, Stacy, Morgan and Alanna and Woodstock friends.

  7. Anyone reading this that wants to have further conversations about these issues and more in a different setting where we can actually converse and seek constructive, actionable change in our church, please reach out to me at

  8. Thank you to both the author and to Matt for your courageous and exemplary actions. You have helped me to examine myself to try to ensure I am doing “the right thing” morally, ethically, legally, and most of all spiritually in this whole current situation.


  9. Pingback: Letter to brethren – WINGS for Truth

  10. Heard on my radio this morning that Larry Nassar was stabbed in prison. Nassar is serving several life terms for being a serial CSA ped who molested hundreds of young girls during his time as the national gymnastics team doctor. Nassar was not part of the group, but he being stabbed in jail shows that even other criminals do not tolerate CSA peds. Cannot figure out why so many workers do CSA or provide cover for CSA peds, especially those in Montana . Even hardened criminals now that CSA is wrong.

  11. Pingback: Timeline of Decisions Pertaining to CSA made by Ray Hoffman, Barry Barkley, and Dale Schultz – WINGS for Truth

  12. I have wondered since this was originally posted how the legal process regarding Dale Shultz has developed. (or has not developed) As far as I know he is still one of the top leadership figures in Canada. A legal process for him might also remind leadership figures to “keep an eye” on workers “with a tendency” …. to prevent some of these crimes before they happen.

    Prevention should be a far greater concern than it seems to be in the present debate … where dealing with fallout AFTER it happens seems the primary concern.

  13. Pingback: BBC News Publishes Report on Corfield Abuse – WINGS for Truth

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