Emails to/from Merlin Affleck and Michael Hassett re Burkinshaw and McChesney allegations

WINGS Note: This is a series of emails between Cynthia Liles, Merlin Affleck and Michael Hassett, with an introduction by Cynthia.

Hello everyone,

As you may know, we’ve been working diligently behind the scenes to protect the community and expose wrong doings. Sadly, in many instances when we are advocating on behalf of survivors, our voices are not being heard by those currently in authority. We feel the pattern of stonewalling by leadership continues even today, as evidenced by the following email exchange. After two months of working on this crisis, it is evident that new leaders who are willing to be ethical, transparent, caring, and operate with integrity are necessary.

We need your help!

Please use your voices to demand accountability and change from leadership.

Please note that as of 5/28/23 there has been no response from either Merlin or Michael.

Forwarded Conversation

Subject: Walter Burkinshaw/Leanne McChesney


From: Cynthia Liles <email redacted>
Date: Sat, May 20, 2023 at 10:14 AM
To: Merlin Affleck < email redacted >, Michael Hassett < email redacted >
Cc: Lauren Rohs < email redacted >, Sheri Autrey < email redacted >

Dear Merlin and Michael,

Merlin, as you know, the Walter Burkinshaw victims have been very distressed to learn that Walter is still allowed in meetings. There are criminal cases pending against him for pedophila, which you are aware of. Last week I left a detailed message for Ben Collyer, who I understand is one of the workers in Walter’s field, explaining how distressing it is to the victims to know Walter is in meetings. I have not heard back.

Society expects institutions to keep their communities safe — especially the children. You may say, “Oh, he’s an old man and he’s in a wheelchair,” or “he’s not in meetings with children.” To the victims, that shows you are standing with the perpetrator and not with them. In addition, I have worked on cases where perpetrators were still abusing children well into their 80’s. Pedophilia is not something that goes away with old age.

Merlin, I also understand that you may have a written confession from Walter. Any and all written documentation from Walter admitting his crimes is key evidence and should be turned over to law enforcement as soon as possible. If it is true that you have such a statement from Walter and you haven’t turned it over to law enforcement, it begs the question: Why are you protecting a pedophile?

I also understand Leanne McChesney is attending meetings. She also has criminal charges pending for sex crimes against children.

It is highly probable that Walter and Leanne have sexually abused other children that have not yet come forward. The friends have a right to know about the charges against alter and Leanne. Please do the right thing and notify the friends in Canada and anywhere else Walter and Leanne have been.



Cynthia L. Liles
Private Investigator


From: Merlin Affleck < email redacted >
Date: Sat, May 20, 2023 at 6:23 PM
To: Cynthia Liles < email redacted >

Hello Cynthia,

I do not have any written confession from Walter. It was at my encouragement that he willingly went to the RCMP himself 2 or 3 years ago and spoke to them directly. Be assured that his case has been in professional hands for a long time already.

Yours truly, Merlin


From: Cynthia Liles [email redacted]
Date: Sat, May 20, 2023 at 7:23 PM
To: Merlin Affleck < email redacted >, < email redacted >
Cc: Sheri Autrey < email redacted >, Lauren Rohs < email redacted >

Hello Merlin,

You state you encouraged Walter to turn himself in to the RCMP two or three years ago. He must have confessed to you? There are two NEW cases filed against Walter. Your account of his verbal confession would be key evidence. Will you agree to contact the RCMP in Vernon and Wainwright to give a statement?

You did not address the other subject of my email. Will you agree to notify the friends that Walter and Leanne have charges against them for pedophilia and remove them from meetings?

Thank you,



From: michael hassett < email redacted >

Date: Mon, May 22, 2023 at 3:29 PM

To: Cynthia Liles < email redacted >

Hello Cynthia,

Our friends in the area where Walter lives are all aware of the accusations against him. They were informed when he first moved to the town.



From: Cynthia Liles < email redacted >

Date: Mon, May 22, 2023 at 9:19 PM

To: michael hassett < email redacted >, Merlin Affleck < email redacted >
Cc: Lauren Rohs < email redacted >, Sheri Autrey < email redacted >,
Darryl Doland < email redacted >

Hello Michael and Merlin,

I’m sorry — there must be some confusion. I didn’t ask if the friends in Walter’s area were aware of the accusations against Walter. I was letting you know that it is very distressing to his victims to know that he is still attending meetings. Neither one of you have acknowledged in your replies that this news may be upsetting to the victims and neither one of you have asked what you can do for the victims. That tells me your focus is not on the victims. In fact, it tells me you could care less about the victims. If you cared about victims, you would notify the friends in Canada of the pending charges against Walter and Leanne and ask victims to come forward

Merlin, you say you had Walter turn himself into law enforcement a few years ago. I’ve read the minutes of your April 6, 2023 meeting in Kelowna, B.C. You acknowledge Walter committed crimes. I understand he confessed to you. Do you realize Walter denied everything to law enforcement? It dawned on me after our last email exchange that if he had truly confessed when you sent him to law enforcement, he would have already been charged and most likely entered into a plea deal. I’ve confirmed that did not happen because he denied everything.

So, again, are you willing to give a statement to law enforcement in the new cases that have been filed? If not, why not? Your actions are very confusing to me. I do not understand why you would choose to stand by a pedophile instead of the victims who were innocent young children when they were sexually abused by their overseer — the most trusted position in the hierarchy of the Truth. I also noticed in your minutes that you felt Walter’s crimes were on the “low end” of the crime scale on a scale of 1-10. The actual act of sex abuse against a child has absolutely nothing to do with the trauma response. I have worked on hundreds of these cases and have witnessed this phenomenon many, many times. One child who is anally raped can have less of a trauma response than that of a child fondled by the same perpetrator. Again, the actual act has no correlation to the trauma response. It is not up to us to determine the severity of trauma inflicted on victims.

Cynthia —

Cynthia L. Liles
Private Investigator

20 thoughts on “Emails to/from Merlin Affleck and Michael Hassett re Burkinshaw and McChesney allegations

  1. It’s shameful that God’s people have to push this along.

    In II Chronicles 29, the priests and the Levites took care of it. They took care of it pretty quickly. And then God’s people rejoiced.

    Things were set in order again.

    I think there are many who fear to speak up and encourage our oversight to get on with it. There are lots of people with family in the work and others who have a meeting and are afraid to lose it. How can you “lose” something you don’t own? We have had over 1300 Sunday Morning meetings in our home, and I am not even 60 years old yet. We didn’t ask to have meeting, and we don’t own it. I rejoice today that all three of our children had a Sunday Morning meeting nearby, the whole time they were growing up. But we are nobody special. The folks who we meet with are the special ones. We had five young couples and parents in our meeting Sunday, and it makes me hopeful. You have no idea how much it encouraged me. I hope we can keep their children safe long enough.

    Others worship the history and legacy of great men, structure, and property over a daily, loving, living relationship with God. If I ever do that, please remind me of the danger of idolatry. There must be workers who want change, I’m not giving up on that, but it may not yet be safe to speak up and encourage the oversight in a Godly way.

    At Mountain Ranch #1 convention, a brave, experienced sister worker spoke about II Chronicles 29. This was a time when God cleaned house. It was actually a positive time for God’s people. In II Chron 29:16, they brought out all [ALL] the uncleanness that they found, into the court of the house of the Lord. It wasn’t even worthy of a yard sale. The Levites carried it out to the brook Kidron and dumped it.

    They brought out ALL the uncleanness. They kept at it, until the job was done.

    I am now praying every day that God will raise up an oversight that loves His Righteousness. Like I read about in Isaiah 41:10.

    It feels safer for my soul to do this, than to say “we need brand new oversight in North America across the board.” Which is what my human mind thinks—maybe because I’ve spent my career in the business arena. The present oversight, or a good portion of it, has had plenty of time to do what is right for the safety of children, workers and others, and the time has passed. If this seems a bit strong, please forbear me in love, and realize that Dean Bruer was my overseer.

    I hope that the remnant of our oversight will reacquaint themselves with those who were younger and used by God: Joseph, Samuel, Daniel, David, Jesus, Timothy, and others. They were willing, yielded, and available when the need was great.

    I fear that some are holding on to some of the uncleanness for the big Yard Sale. So, please–haul it out to Kidron and dump it. All of it. Now. And then, like II Chron 29:36, we will all rejoice together. I hope you will be there with us to rejoice, too.

    With love to you all.
    Paul Svendsen
    Bend Oregon USA

    • Thanks Paul, for the courage to write so clearly what others aren’t able to articulate.
      There is great hope with some of the younger workers. Unfortunately some of the older ones are so used to Lording it over the church and won’t give in easily.
      Paul said in Galatians 4:16
      So then, have I become your enemy by telling the truth.
      So often that’s what has happened when people spoke up. are doing Gods work in giving victims courage to report the horrors they have endured and then been revictimised by Overseers and Senior Workers.
      As they build profiles of Perpetrators and Enablers those people will be outed I believe. Friends will get over their fear of being excommunicated for speaking up and cry louder and louder.

      THEN we can have a fellowship ruled by LOVE not FEAR.
      I pray that the faithful keep faithful and will love and nourish those around them with kindness and wisdom, that’s all any of us can do during this time and pray, pray, pray.

    • So appreciate your thoughts Paul, it echoes my own. Its sad really that there is a fear among friends and workers alike to speak up and against what is wrong. That alone says a lot. This is nothing like Jesus’ ministry on this earth. We read of his disciples asking many questions, making many statements and they were always addressed in love, with exasperation sometimes but never with intimidation or dishonesty, his words and actions never planted the seeds of fear in his followers.

  2. I appreciate all the work Cynthia is doing and her efforts to hold Merlin and Mike to account. I have had conversations with Merlin where he said the couple who brought Walter to Glen Valley Convention were an ‘innocent little Filipino couple who had no idea of the allegations against Walter’. Putting aside the demeaning language, it’s evident that Melin is willing to lie to create a narrative that suits his angle in the conversation.

    • I have heard this before, these men (Walter) try to deny their evil deeds and unfortunately because the crime hasn’t been brought to light by Merlin, others are still falling in the evil doers snare. Merlin you must act, otherwise, we the people you serve will fire you.

    • Can you please elaborate? The couple that brought Walter to GV last year didn’t know the allegations against him? Are they not the ones that take care of him regularly/have him live with them? And if they are not his primary caretakers, this just shows how pervasive the cover up has been!

      • the couple knew. they called Merlin before they brought him to GV (in BC) and asked permission. merlin said “yes, you can come”. witness to this conversation: paul chiu and dwayne powell (pro walter in meetings and at conventions).

  3. Perhaps “the couple” didn’t know, I can’t comment on that because I don’t know the situation. What I DO know is MERLIN knew about Walter, and MULTIPLE sister workers begged Merlin to not let Walter be at convention, and Merlin blatantly ignored them. I am disgusted that Merlin continues to not only have the power of an overseer, but that he continues to lie and manipulate.

    • If the couple that cares for Walter didn’t know he’s a child molester, we have another major problem. Are you able to name which sister workers begged Merlin?

      Thanks for your help.

  4. Merlin and Michael,

    You should be ashamed of yourselves that it was even necessary for it to be written of you that new leaders are needed who are “willing to be ethical, transparent, caring, and operate with integrity”. Of all people, I would expect those character traits from you. Clearly we have been misled. How after two months of this unfolding tragedy, and over 1000 victims coming forward, have you not been able to understand the depth of need among us? How could it be that you were so arrogant that you ignored the sister workers who begged you not to let Walter attend conventions? How can it be that you have been dismissive and dishonest with this investigator who is working so diligently on our behalf? Why are you of all people not working diligently for us? Clearly you do not understand the urgency of this crisis, and you cannot be trusted by us professing parents, elders and sister workers as our overseers.

    Resign please! It’s time for leaders we can trust on this issue. That will never be you again. We need leaders who share the deep concerns we parents feel so desperately. That clearly is not something you possess to the level that is required for our future.

    The fact that you permitted Walter to attend convention is unacceptable! The fact that you claimed Walter had been reported to authorities, but did not accompany him, or ensure that his confession to you was actually properly relayed to authorities instead of being denied by him is unethical, and without empathy for Walter’s victims. The fact that you are playing coy, and not cooperating with the investigator who is helping us so much more than you are, really makes my blood boil! The way you described the couple who had the terrible task of bringing Walter to convention was arrogant, and dismissive. As a professing parent I do not share your values in slightest bit. You do not belong in oversight in our future.

      • what meeting, I was in Wainwright and he did not go to convention and not in a meeting with children (a baby yes)which I agree is ‘splitting hairs’ He should not be in any in-person meeting.

  5. Merlin and Michael,
    Why was it necessary to write of you that it is “evident that new leaders who are willing to be ethical, transparent, caring, and operate with integrity are necessary.” Of all people shouldn’t you possess those character traits? Why are you lacking in care for people, specifically victims? Where is godly love towards us in this man-made disaster? Why are you unethical, not transparent and lacking in integrity?

    You appear to be playing coy with a team that is so selflessly helping us. What would motivate you in the middle of this mess to handle it that way? God is using many of us inside and outside to drive change. He doesn’t feel patience, meekness, temperance joy with this mess. Neither do we.

    Talking with a Canadian brother I hear at least one of you has an arrogance problem. Do you feel you are better than those trying to help us? COOPERATE WITH THIS TEAM FULLY OR RESIGN! We don’t need leaders who mishandle abuse cases against the guidance of scripture. Can you be trusted? I hear people in Canada don’t think so.

    I will follow up with an e-mail to both of you momentarily. Change with us or resign!

    -A parent, elder & professing many years.

    • So you based your evidence on one person, why don’t you ask a complete church? Is it the way you judge? Quite different from what the lord did. He didn’t even judge, but you can easily say CHANG WITH US or RESIGN? Who is arrogant now? Judging as the devil has always done. If you want a change, you need to see yourself first and compare to Jesus, we all should do, and then we will be more willing to help than to destroy.

      • To be fair defender the message from the workers for years has been DO WHAT WE SAY or LEAVE. That’s not working out very well for the children who are being abused. Times like this call for strong words from strong people. Those who stand silently by and refuse to see the truth as these abuses happen will be judged by almighty God. Jesus would never stand for this abuse. Don’t you wander why the Spirit is not strong in the meetings anymore? What if God is destroying this organisation because the members decided to worship the workers and the form of worship more than Him? The more light that shines on these overseers the worse they look. Let the light shine!

      • That complete church you mentioned should have risen up in righteous anger against this man and his evil deeds! You mean to tell me that each and everyone KNEW that this man sexually abused his daughters and grandaughters and they could still sit down and break bread with this evil man and the WORKERS condoned this! Would Jesus have sat down in this? Did anyone consider the savour of the offering going up from that meeting, from so many meetings in similar situatiions? No wonder God is displeased.

  6. One interesting fact that people may not know is that divorced and remarried people are not allowed to attend the meetings in British Columbia. Judging by the email exchange above, this puts BC in the unique position of treating divorced and remarried people more harshly than people with outstanding criminal charges for pedophilia.

  7. Just so people know ALL who are aware of abuse are guilty under Canada Law…that’s parents, family, friends, elders, overseers…
    IF you knew you could be charged.

    The specifics of the legal duty to report are determined by each individual province or territory. Thus, a person’s legal duty to report varies depending on the area of Canada within which they live.

    Generally speaking, you may be liable for a fine, jail, or both if you DO NOT report when you have a legal duty to do so. Knowingly reporting false information or making a malicious report can result in similar penalties.

  8. and what about Leanne McChesney? Merlin didn’t even utter a word about her. Is she still in meetings? She has an open case against her and should not be dismissed or overlooked.

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