Letter from Canadian worker Alanna McDonald to friends – April 2023

Dear Friends,

            The past few weeks you have been hit with a tremendous amount of difficult news. As hard as it is to talk about and hear these things, it is much safer and healthier to have them out in the open where they can be dealt with. The shocking truth that many of you are just seeing now is this: that there are workers and overseers who are abusive. That there are workers and overseers who are willing to lie, manipulate, ignore and minimize in order to cover up abuse. It may sometimes seem like we are all in on it, that “workers” as a whole are complicit in this outrageous abuse, to varying degrees. There are many of us who have been fighting as hard as we can to have these issues addressed transparently and in a way that prevents further abuse. There may be more of us than you realize who feel like you do: betrayed, distressed and eager for things to improve.

            I could have written you years ago and told you this: as a worker on your staff here in Québec and Atlantic Canada I was abused by several of my coworkers. There were other workers on our staff who did not abuse me directly, but who participated in spreading rumours about me, making me feel unwelcome on our staff, and who stood by while the abuse occurred. There are others still who have been a wonderful support, and for them I am thankful.

Why didn’t I write sooner? Why didn’t I tell you this as soon as it happened?

            I was told explicitly and repeatedly that if the friends (including my immediate natural family) ever found out what had happened and what was happening still, that they would get discouraged, stop going to meeting, and ultimately lose their salvation. In other words, if I told you that I had been abused, I would be responsible for your lost eternity.

            If there is one way to strike fear into the heart of a zealous young worker just starting out, that is it: tell them they will send people to Hell by talking about their experiences. There are things that happen within the kingdom that are difficult to understand and accept as true, as we assume they have no place among God’s people or ministry. There are many reasons victims are not taken seriously when abuse allegations against workers are brought forward. Some of these hurdles include:

  • Belief that workers are perfect
  • Belief that overseers are chosen by the Spirit and led by God in their decision-making
  • Belief that if severe abuse had occurred, it would have been dealt with properly and it would have been disclosed (When a worker remains active or is moved to another province/area to labour, it casts doubt on a victim’s credibility)
  • Reports from other workers and friends that the accused worker is “appreciated” and “helpful”
  • Belief that young workers are weaker or less willing
  • Belief that a worker with thirty years in the work is more credible than a worker who has been active for only a few years
  • Belief that young workers struggle in the work because of their personal histories, underlying ‘nerve problems’, wanting marriage/a home/children/etc. and not because of the treatment they receive from their coworkers
  • Belief that a worker who is abusive will be identifiable by their spirit
  • Belief that abuse is always obvious and recognizable
  • Belief that victims will always understand what happened and be able to clearly identify it (this may include understanding or articulating why they had to leave the work)
  • Belief that these issues are best dealt with by older brother workers
  • Belief that older brothers approach these issues with compassion and concern
  • Belief that issues like these are not minimized or covered up

            Those have sometimes seemed like impossible hurdles to clear. If talking about what happened to me was going to be helpful and productive, I would need to be believed. My voice, my story, would have to triumph over all of these deeply ingrained and closely held beliefs.

            What chance did I have? What chance did any of us victims have? We had already been dismissed by our overseers, scoffed at by fellow workers, called liars and troublemakers and rebels. We had already been regarded as weak and unwilling. We had already been re-victimized every time we tried to talk about what happened. And, worst of all, despite our very best efforts to protect our sisters and brothers and you friends, we had to watch as our abusers were given access to other innocent people. We had tried to sound the warning, and we had been thoroughly shot down.

            We took the course of action that we were told was appropriate. It was not sufficient.

            I know that, for many of you, hearing about workers behaving in inappropriate and criminal ways is a huge shock. I know that the shock of hearing hurts. And the last thing I want is to hurt you.

            But allowing these evils to flourish in our midst is even more hurtful than hearing the truth. Covering up abuse and creating an environment for it to flourish is the most damaging thing we can do to one another. And so, I love you all enough to tell you the truth, to be honest about what has been going on.

            How can I express how much I love you all? Your care and sincerity and love for God has kept me active in the work. I have continued, even when I thought it was absolutely impossible, that I had finally reached the last of my strength and breathed my last spiritual breath, because every single day I was with you – God’s people, his sheep, the bride he is preparing for his son. And I could see how much he loves you. And I could see that he wants vessels available to bring you his word. He wants you to be fed and nurtured. And he wants a living expression of his care here on earth. And so, if he was willing to use me to minister to you, I would do everything possible to fill that place and to keep filling it for as long as I possibly could.

            There are wonderful, sincere, zealous workers who have been unable to continue in the work. They love you too, and did everything they could to be able to stay.

            When I started in the work, I wasn’t totally naive. I knew that workers are people. I knew that workers aren’t perfect. I knew that they make mistakes.

            What shocked me to my core was to find out that workers were immoral and they still continued in the work, even when other workers knew what they were doing.

            I knew that being in the work wouldn’t always be easy. I knew there would be times when I would struggle. I knew that my relationships with my coworkers wouldn’t always be perfect, that sometimes we would disagree.

            But what I couldn’t believe, what I still struggle to believe even after all these years of it being made abundantly clear, is that there would be workers who would hate me. Who would actually despise me. Who would make me feel like they wished I was dead. Who would do everything they could to try and get me to leave the work. Who would concoct stories about me to turn others against me.

            It was very difficult to believe that there were people who deliberately wanted to hurt myself and others. It was much easier to believe that I was the problem, and they did a very good job of convincing me that I was. That I was weak. Unwilling. Rebellious. Worthless. That I had misinterpreted things. That I was exaggerating.

            It was very helpful to have some things recorded on paper about my experiences, evidence I could turn to that showed I hadn’t invented or exaggerated anything. It was very helpful to have the support of fellow workers who had experienced similar things from the same people; we could assure one another that we were not alone in the struggle. There were professionals who confirmed that what we were experiencing was emotional/psychological abuse. Above all, I had a loving God and a very compassionate Saviour who were always very close to me, who heard my cry and regarded every tear that fell. Their deep, tender hearts preserved my life and gave me courage to keep going.

            When my story was repeatedly called into question, dismissed, minimized, and disregarded, I wondered if I’d failed to adequately express it. I decided the failure of the overseers to take adequate action was my fault, that if I had explained things more clearly they would understand the extent of the damage and how badly I had been hurt. How it had very nearly killed me. I wondered if they would have acted if I’d spoken louder. Or if I’d been quieter. Or if I had been more articulate. Or maybe I was too articulate, and they couldn’t see my pain. Maybe if I’d been more passionate. If my emotions had been more raw. Or maybe my emotions overwhelmed them or made me seem weak, and I should have tempered them. Maybe then they would have listened. Maybe then they would have understood.

            I heard some of my brothers and sisters’ cries for help. I heard them and they are lodged forever in my heart. They were not faint. They were not insignificant.  

            I can believe, then, that my own cry was worthy of regarding as well. That when I wept in the presence of these men with oversight, it should have touched their hearts. That when I described the horrors I had experienced, it should have awakened a need to act.

            Our overseers heard our cries and they turned their back and walked away.

            God hears even our faintest cry. And it matters to him.

            Love is the most powerful thing we have. I didn’t expect being in the work to be perfect. But I did expect that we would love each other. After all, what is even the point if we don’t? What are we here for if not to care and nourish and protect each other? What is our foundation if it is not divine love?

            My dear friends, I have tried every avenue available to me to make this situation better. I have been unable to make changes significant enough to prevent further abuse, or even to fully heal myself.

            We need your help. I can give you no clear instruction about what is the appropriate way forward. It’s not my place to do so. I just plead with you all to pray fervently and with this desire and intent: that God’s will be accomplished here on earth as it is in Heaven. That we will all be willing for our part in making his kingdom healthy and safe and right. That we will take action when we need to, in standing for the truth, in joining the battle for the truth. That we will speak when words are necessary. That we will serve God and not man.

            I may never fully trust any human being ever again. That is something that the enemy, who is a thief, has taken away from me. But I will continue to trust God, who does not and cannot lie. God is faithful. God loves us, and isn’t trying to hurt us. Satan wants this to tear us all away from God.

            God is grieved more than any of us. He hates this evil more than we even have the capacity to. He has prepared an eternal destination for all of these things: evil thoughts, adultery, fornication, murder, theft, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness/ lewdness, an evil eye, blasphemy/slander, pride/arrogance and folly.

            These things proceed from the heart. And they defile us. They defile us as individuals first. If they are not taken care of and removed, they defile the kingdom. They defile our fellowship. They defile our relationships as coworkers. They defile our fellowship meetings. They defile our conventions, and every special privilege. They defile our conversations. They defile our homes.

            God has made it very clear how he feels about these things, and that they are to have no place among us. Have we truly examined what these things are, and how they take place? What does envy actually look like? What does malice sound like? What does it feel like to be at the receiving end of an evil eye?

            We must be searched and made right. We must be brought into the light. God has opened his heart and mind very wide to us. He has let us see into the depths of who he is. Why would we ever try to hide who and what we are from him?

            There are many many times on record when God had to root out problems from among his people. These problems are here. They are massive. And they are destructive. So, will we sit back and let them eat away at our fellowship, our peace, our relationship with God? Or will we be honest and truly repent. God has healed his people before and he can do it again.

            But not if we keep denying that there are problems. Not if we slap a bandaid on gaping wounds and declare “peace, peace” where there is no peace. Not if we go about covering our eyes and plugging our ears. Not if we prophesy like the false prophets of old – making hollow promises and pretending there is no need to change.

            God’s people, his way on the earth, his work in each of our hearts – it is too precious to let the enemy destroy. Do not let the enemy rob us. Do not let the enemy strip away our honesty, muddy the waters and confuse us. Don’t let him corrupt God’s ministry.

            We can all have a part in rebuilding the spiritual wall that keeps these corrupt things out. We can all have a revelation of what is true, and we can all stand on those convictions. We can all serve God with our whole heart.

            Isn’t it marvellous that God set it up that way: our worship, our service takes place in such a way that there is no power on earth or heaven that can stop it. No one can stop us from loving, from caring about souls, from adoring our God, from knowing our Saviour.

            What the enemy can do is try to disrupt the part of our fellowship that takes place in more temporal ways, the part of our service that is manifest physically and emotionally. And if he can thoroughly discourage that, he knows that he can begin to chip away at our hearts, our revelations, our convictions, our beliefs.

            Satan isn’t content to just hurt our bodies and minds, because he knows that, while precious, they are temporary. He wants to destroy our souls.

            There are many types of abuse. Experts and lawmakers and psychologists are beginning to understand emotional/psychological abuse better and better. As a result, they are addressing it in more direct and proactive ways: in workplaces, schools, government, etc. It can be difficult to understand, identify and eliminate. While it is not as immediately disgusting as sexual abuse, or as visible as physical abuse, it can be just as severe and have many of the same consequences for victims. It can also be fatal.

            We shouldn’t be this far behind on these issues. After all, we are not just expected to abide by the laws of the land, or of common decency. We are expected to live even higher than that, and live according to the law of love and kindness.

            We have heard of other staffs implementing codes of conduct concerning Child Sexual Abuse. Our staff has not done so, and it should.

            I am also attempting to draft a code of conduct for coworker relationships. I fear that many other workers, including our overseers, will be resistant to implement such a thing. I wish that the scriptural guidelines we have would be enough; they should be enough. But maybe we need to be a little more specific about what is and is not appropriate behaviour.

The code would be used:

1. To help workers identify and recognize when inappropriate behaviour occurs with a coworker. To help them discuss the behaviour in a productive way, with the hopes of abuse being prevented. In the case of severe and/or repeated violations of this code, it would assist in decisions being made to prevent further abuse and to take the necessary steps to protect vulnerable parties. (This may mean the abusive worker is asked to step down from the work and/or receive counselling.)

2. To help workers recognize their own behaviour and work toward being a healthier, safer companion. (Behaviour is often learned, and could be a product of how this worker was treated when they were younger. That does not make it appropriate. It is the responsibility of the worker to recognize abusive behaviour and to make every effort to not be abusive.)

May God’s grace and love guide us as we go forward.

Yours in Him,


Note: This letter is written to the friends in fields where I have laboured. I apologize for any email addresses from these fields that got missed. These include: Saint John, NB; Eastern Townships and Québec, QC; Western Newfoundland and Cape Breton, NS; Miramichi, NB; Moncton, NB. In my heart, I was addressing the friends specifically in these areas. I appreciate all of God’s people. All are very precious in God’s eyes and deserve to know the truth.

63 thoughts on “Letter from Canadian worker Alanna McDonald to friends – April 2023

  1. Thank you for writing this letter. My siblings were abused by workers in the ‘60’s and ‘70’s and no one believed them. My mom also spoke of sexual abuse as a child by workers in her dying days. Unfortunately three of my siblings have prematurely passed due to unhealthy lifestyles that stemmed from this abuse, the pain and shame were overwhelming! Again thanks, but too late for my family.

    • Hi there, Alana is a worker right now, under a lot of pressure no doubt and shunning as well. She was in our field .
      Read your account years ago, am thankful for it😊

      • Thanks for your answer to my question. I could worry about the long term pressure on her … In one sense it could be regarded as courageous to be open about her concerns. … Yet, from what I understand about the Bainbridge situation positive change is unlikely and her position as it is could easily become unlivable without mental damage. Thanks again for your reply.

  2. Thanks Alanna, I appreciate you, and I’m very sorry for what happened to you! Yes, it’s way past time for the abuse to stop! I believe changes will, and are, being made. With Gods help, true commitment and honesty, we will make it a safe place!
    With Brotherly Love,
    Mike Eblen

  3. Thanks Deborah.I wish more workers will come forward regarding all kinds of abuse.
    Emotional abuse is just more difficult to recognize, I only realized recently that what I experienced myself from a elder and his wife was infact emotional abuse and it had a effect on me.With God we can heal but it is a long road and feels so unfair and unnessasary.

  4. This letter resonates with my soul, after having loved ones in the work and witnessing how new young workers have been treated so poorly in our home by their older co-laborers everything this woman has said is true and it has Distressed us for SO LONG. Since the Dean Bruer story broke I have heard people say “well sister workers wouldn’t do that” in my mind a screaming voice has resounded over and over that SOME sister workers I’ve interacted with and have witnessed how they treated their companions are some of the meanest, most vindictive humans alive and I am not sure how they can even call themselves servants of God because they are NOT living it. Allana, if you ever get to see this, your bravery, and courage is amazing. Many just have to step away because the abuse is intolerable and then they are told they didn’t pray enough etc etc. The only thing that brings me comfort in all of it is God sees the whole picture and these individuals will be dealt with some day if they are not here on earth.

    It seems some workers act as though it is a “right of PASSAGE” to treat their companions poorly because they withstood it when they were young. What a horrible cycle. I pray change is on the way, we don’t need workers, male or female. that are tyrants, or dictators, who cut a swath with their swords of tyranny and rules we need HUMBLE servants full of love, and kindness and hearts like Jesus that are fishers of men. Please know you’re in our prayers Allana.

  5. Alanna, I thank you for your amazing courage. I support you in any way you need. Most of all…I Believe you.

    • Yes these workers need to know we support them but how do we get the message out?
      I am not part of the meetings but willing to help as I told a brother worker yesterday.

  6. Thinking of you and Morgan and hope that overseers wake up to this sorrow. It is adult abuse and not just children…victims of all ages have suffered this sorrow.

  7. Thank you so much Alanna.

    I would like to say that your professional and personal approach to this letter is beautiful.

    What a powerfully written letter. Thank you, thank you and thank you for your courage, grace, Persistence, and astounding bravery.

    I call all the workers out for their complicit behaviour in the lack of transparency and false belief of “fitting in.”

    To all the workers I recommended: look at Alanna and others who are being wise and full of the spirit and sharing the truth.

    Facing Hurts and fears will always be much Better than false securities.

    To me and all: let us take the verse we read this morning, and apply it with the help of the spirit.

    The ONLY overseer is Jesus.
    The ONLY law is love.
    The ONLY guide is the spirit.

    Thanks again Alanna. Wow.
    Thanks to all who love and encourage an honest answer.

    • Your comment about complicity is right on, not just for Workers but for the Friends as well. We are all complicit in these abuses, even if it is by means of looking away from what we see in front of us, or not looking at all. That makes it possible for these abusers to work away at will. None of these problems will get solved unless we all recognize our complicity in these issues and ask, “now what are we going to do about it?” This can no longer be ignored.

      • Yes, this letter definitely applies to everyone. Divorce is shunned and too often I have heard stories of workers telling women to stay married to the abuser. Our fellowship is the perfect fellowship for abusers to find free will to abuse. How many times have we heard how a spouse lived in abuse until the abusive spouse finally professed and then all was right! What father would want his children abused ? This is not love.
        What is the man’s name who committed suicide after being told he could not take part in meeting after he remarried?

      • “Now what are we going to do?”

        This question has been risen by many and often.

        Friends and workers.
        I will live by faith. I will take the question “now what are we going to do about it?” and bring it to God! Find an answer and do that in my life and my little area of impact.

        Jesus is my overseer.
        The spirit is my guide.
        And love is the law.

        We walk only the way, life and light of Jesus and these three of no other leader.

    • Hello Andrew, so good to see you here, encouraging Alanna. Your comments are encouraging, there is only one overseer, the ministry has gotten sidetracked.
      I wondered so many times Andrew, why you left the work. I enjoyed having you in our home sooo much.
      You told me once that you loved being in our home, it was lovely to hear that.
      I wish you all the best my dear Andrew.

      Thank you for standing against these atrocities, for calling the workers out on it, ( many people didn’t and don’t yet know ) 😳For taking this to God and being determined to make an impact in your own little area.
      Loving your neighbour as yourself.

  8. Thank you. We need complete honesty openness and we need to be strong in faith and love meekness and gentleness but that does not mean we do not deal with wrong amongst us with passiveness. Paul is clear on this that those that are able to rightly execute the word and are sensitive to the leading of the spirit should be taking a strong stand for what is right and separating ourselves as a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump as Paul says. Also it is clear there has been a lack within oversight as Paul and peter and the other faithful servants and elders and disciples met when there were things to discuss together and made decisions about the kingdom together. No one person or select group should decide anything about gods kingdom as there must be unity in the spirit and no one is to lord over another. I hope this will begin a cleansing of the kingdom of rules that are man made and not of the spirit, and lead into deeper fellowship love and unity within the kingdom by everyone taking care to their own spirit and condition and being vigilant in our privilege to carry the name of Jesus. If we say we follow the bible then that is what we ought to do. There is clear direction on how to handle the affairs of the kingdom. The spirit also provides direction. It says when there are concerns that must be brought forward bring them to the church that means the whole church which is not a person or small group of overseers or workers. This is never mentioned in the bible and therefore not scriptural.

    This reminds me of Gods people in the Old Testament wanting a king. The human nature likes this approach for some reason maybe it allows us to not take responsibility for the condition of the kingdom. If we want to the kingdom to be unites then unites we must stand and be willing to act upon the direction of the spirit even when it seems like no others are standing. Be strong in faith let gods spirit lead.

  9. Thank you. We need complete honesty openness and we need to be strong in faith and love meekness and gentleness but that does not mean we do not deal with wrong amongst us with passiveness. Paul is clear on this that those that are able to rightly execute the word and are sensitive to the leading of the spirit should be taking a strong stand for what is right and separating ourselves as a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump as Paul says. Also it is clear there has been a lack within oversight as Paul and Peter and the other faithful servants and elders and disciples met when there were things to discuss together and made decisions about the kingdom together. No one person or select group should decide anything about gods kingdom as there must be unity in the spirit and no one is to lord over another. I hope this will begin a cleansing of the kingdom of rules that are man made and not of the spirit, and lead into deeper fellowship love and unity within the kingdom by everyone taking care to their own spirit and condition and being vigilant in our privilege to carry the name of Jesus. If we say we follow the bible then that is what we ought to do. There is clear direction on how to handle the affairs of the kingdom. The spirit also provides direction. It says when there are concerns that must be brought forward bring them to the church that means the whole church which is not a person or small group of overseers or workers. This is never mentioned in the bible and therefore not scriptural.

    This reminds me of Gods people in the Old Testament wanting a king. The human nature likes this approach for some reason maybe it allows us to not take responsibility for the condition of the kingdom. If we want to the kingdom to be united then united we must stand and be willing to act upon the direction of the spirit even when it seems like no others are standing. Be strong in faith let gods spirit lead.

  10. The DSM5, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, is a valuable tool . There is a section on Personality Disorders; Narcissistic , Histrionic, Antisocial, Borderline Personality Disorders. Trust me, anyone can read and understand this manual.
    Personality disorders are thought to have a genetic component, however, expression of the disorder is definitely influenced by how the individual was parented and the individual’s experiences growing up. If a child has too restrictive or shame based parenting , then they struggle to make decisions in line with developmental milestones. This results in that child learning to manipulate or lie to others to have any independence. What is the atmosphere in the “strict” professing family? I grew up with TV is evil rather than , we should watch , read etc that which is good , true or beautiful.
    If a child grows up without much guidance/parenting at all, then the child struggles to feel safe because children need help in making decisions and learn boundaries.
    Too much or too little “parenting ” and the kind of parenting, shame based vs loving guidance will affect the adult personality.
    I definitely was easy prey for a covert spiritual narcissist ( he told me so too when he received divorce papers) because I was conditioned to believe I was responsible for my own behavior and God would deal with the abuser if I prayed enough. How many workers have prayed for their abusive co worker to be a nice person? Healthy boundaries and not allowing satan deceive is not preached, but rather, tolerance of evil is encouraged.
    satan knows the Bible so remember to stay away from someone who is not living a loving way.
    Les Carter phD has very well done youtube videos on Narcissism. They are free and valuable. We can improve our parenting to be aware of how we may influence our children.
    There are videos on how to parent so you don’t raise a narcissist. We can learn how to set boundaries so those with personality disorders can’t hurt us.
    We must do better! These abusive workers likely have developed personality disorders and the abuse is being tolerated. sad.

  11. So sad to read this young worker, Allana, talk about what she has endured from companions and coworkers. My dad said his older brother, just a young man himself, told an older sister worker that the younger sister hadn’t gone into the work to be a slave to older “servants”! There have been false accusations made, too, with the innocent persons trying to get the workers to meet with the accuser as is scriptural but being ignored by the workers. This double life is like the Pharisees, whited sepulchers. And wearing costumes and buns to look like the 50s is certainly not scriptural but most women are afraid to buck the rules. Fear based compliance rather than loving service isn’t scriptural either. We have to do better.

  12. Hi Alana I believe everything you wrote , I feel so sorry for you and Morgan your both in my thoughts and prayers


  13. Pingback: Timeline of some key actions over the last ten years – Wings for Truth

  14. I find it interesting that there has been so little follow up on this letter … It was amazingly courageously and truthfully written. Maybe there have been reactions … just me that haven’t heard about it!

    The issue of the Bainbridges at Woodstock and their daughter Morgan seems to have shaken things up considerably — and I have a hard time to believe that this letter by Alana hasn’t had some consequences. Or?

    • Edgar, I am familiar with Alanna. While in her area there are people who are standing up for her, I have heard very little from any friend or worker in other areas.

      This letter should bring a public outcry,( meaning among the friends). I have spoken and written to a few and am totally devastated by their lack of ………… no words.
      Many feel God will take care of it, which of course He will in time, but hardly anyone is openly taking a stand for righteousness.
      Alanna said, we need your help.
      Sadly, we are failing her and others.

      I am praying that GOD will show us a way to help.
      I am so disappointed that people are just looking the other way, waiting for someone else to make a move.

      Overseers and many workers are a big part of the problem.
      While I have loved the fellowship, it sure seems to be a haven for perverted and disturbed people.

      I encourage all to pray earnestly, fervently, incessantly and unceasingly that God would come to our aid.

      • I would like to help in any way I can. I don’t always know how I can make a difference, even though I speak up openly against the false hierarchy and in support of victims.

        One thing that I do often feel is that having been a victim myself, and having exhibited in my life and lifestyle some of the longterm effects of having being abused, there are those who do look at me as though I don’t have the credibility of someone who “professed” and “stayed professing” for their whole life, with a testimony that looked “credible and Christ-like”. So when I “make waves” and question the status quo, I feel like my words and thoughts are not given the same “weight” as someone whose life has looked exemplary. I have been “talked about” and “shunned” by people whose careers should have made them aware of the “red flags” connected with CSA.

        I do also know that there are other workers like Alanna. We need to support them in every single way that we can. I would not be here without the support and help of one of those workers.

  15. I don’t know how I’ve missed this letter until now. I guess God knew I needed the encouragement today. In the past week I’ve learned of 2 of my friends & their families being treated so terribly by the workers when the victims found their voice to speak up. It just absolutely broke my heart & weakens my faith. But your courage & strength Alanna, knowing you’re doing the right thing, looking to God for guidance, gives me hope, faith & strength to keep fighting. Helping those who can’t help themselves ❤️🙏

  16. This is SAD and true .Worldwide this problem occurs and all is hush hush.Allanna’s cries are all over this world. Only God has the entire picture.
    Only Salvation matters,true but then morally we have a obligation as one body to act against evil as biblical instructed. My Prayers are for all the Allannas GOD WILL PROTECT
    Proverbs 3:5-6
    Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
    Psalm 118:8-9 
    It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man. It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in princes.
    Psalm 40:3-4 
    He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. Many will see and fear, and put their trust in the Lord. Blessed is the man who makes the Lord his trust, who does not turn to the proud, to those who go astray after a lie!

  17. This is SO SAD and true .Worldwide this problem occurs and all is hush hush.Allanna’s cries are all over this world.

    Psalm 40:3-4 
    He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. Many will see and fear, and put their trust in the Lord. Blessed is the man who makes the Lord his trust, who does not turn to the proud, to those who go astray after a lie!

  18. Can anyone confirm if it is correct that Alanna has been kicked out of the work for exposing abuse and advocating for victims of abuse?

    • Someone else posted a workers list for 2023 where her name is shown without a field … Whatever that would mean!!!

    • I have been in contact with Bob Bainbridge. These are his words regarding Alanna — “Alanna was given an ultimatum to stop being an advocate for the abused or leave. She was very harshly treated by the overseers in a meeting this week and kicked out. She spoke very helpfully at a pre convention meeting last Sunday at Ellershouse. Hopefully she will get support from the true friends and staff. “

      • Yes I’ve heard the same from a reliable source as well.
        First there was a workers list and Alana’s name was absent.
        The next day another workers list with Alana’s name on the bottom but with no companion.
        Can you imagine, stop being an advocate for the abused, or leave.
        There is none of Christs Spirit in these overseers.
        Why do they want to continue covering up?
        Are they not concerned for their own souls?
        Johnathan is a new overseer, he really has no say.
        He should step away from all this corruption before the enemy gets a firm grip on him.
        God help us all!

      • Thanks Edgar for confirming. I am truly heartbroken and so sad to hear how she has been treated. Ray Hoffman’s seemingly very nicely worded letter dated 18 June was obviously just a bunch of fictitious, hypocritical nonsense.

      • Alanna McDonald can hold her head high. She is on the right side of history. If you’re reading this Alanna – Well done Alanna for standing up for victims and being so incredibly brave. I’m so sorry that you have been so badly mistreated both in the past and with your abrupt removal when you were one of the very few doing the right thing.

  19. Thank you, Alanna, for your courage and strength in speaking the truth about your experience and your observations in the work. Pressure from other friends and workers has been a powerful deterrent to voicing the truth about these issues. Finally, people are realizing that these people have power over us, ONLY if we give it to them. God would never give power to people who use and abuse others, so we know their power is not from God, but self-assumed. We all need to stand up and do what the Holy Spirit moves upon us to do! Thank you again, for being a brave example!

  20. Alanna, thank you for being honest about things, your courage will be a help to others. But, if workers/ministers aren’t bringing the Spirit of Peace/God into people’s homes (and everywhere they go), because they aren’t reading and praying for God’s help…I doubt a handbook/pamphlet will have much affect. I think it will be used more as a weapon against each other than anything. They aren’t showing the “love of Christ one to another”, nor are they adhereing to scripture like Ephesians 5 that NONE of this would be even ONCE named amongst us. But, these are just my thoughts.

  21. I am surprized at the lack of interest shown in the seemingly moral melt down in NB with the unwillingness to deal with serious abuse allegations (albeit not CSA) — Instead we seem to see the “whistle blower punishment syndrome” that we recognize so well in other Canadian fields

  22. Edgar,
    I have a much longer letter written in reply to you I am sitting on at present.
    But to agree with you, I am beyond “surprised at the lack of interest shown” by local friends and workers. I am alarmed.
    Thank you.
    (I’m Alanna’s Dad).

    • I am very glad for info regarding Alanna — Although I never have met her, and don’t know much about any of the folks involved… Her letter made a deep impression on me. Somewhat similar issues closer to me a number of years ago.

      I would be glad, if suitable to you, to make more direct contact via my email edgar.massey@gmail.com

  23. Thank you Alanna, for speaking out. I have been on the ugly end of abuse by the sister workers (I am not a worker, but my brother was for 15 years, and for some reason I’m guessing some felt I was fair game because he was in the work). I have also seen workers abusing their companions…but, only the sister workers doing it. The men are more sneaky/devious. So, this whole issue begs: How is this “Showing LOVE one TO another”? So that they whole world will know that WE are HIS? How is this bringing the Spirit of Peace into people’s homes? (and wherever they are). It’s sickening!! I’m not in Canada, but most of my family lives up there. I’m in the USA. Not any better here.

  24. Hello friends , I’m David Groves from Brisbane Australia and have just read the disturbing account by what I call a Saint, Alanna. What this lady has had to endure is appalling. And yet she still has an amazing attitude .
    Anyone that knows her tell her to move to Queensland Australia . The overseer here is Allan Mitchell who I know personally from my time in Papua New Guinea where he laboured. I don’t go to meetings myself but Allan would welcome this Saint Alanna for sure.
    He is actively involved in similar matters right now and I’m sure he didn’t sign up for it when he started in the work.
    My heart goes out to Alana, she sounds like an amazing and resilient lady

    • Sadly, she’s not alone. We are so thankful for those who are still going in faith, bringing peace into our homes, and the word of God (not opinions) into our lives that feed our souls.
      Once all the unscriptural “overseers” have stepped down (there’s no scriptures to back any worker being above the rest – but, Jesus addressed the “who will be the greatest”…with “the least of you will be the greatest”). The ONLY time the Bible talks about “overseers” it is referring to the Elders, not the ministry.
      I was recently admonished with this comment by an overseer (when talking about unscriptural decisions), “Well, the church has prospered under those ministers, and what we decide, God will honor”. Wow! I’m not often left speechless, but, the arrogance of those words will come back to bite them! The Church didn’t prosper under that leadership, the Church prospered in spite of their failure as leaders, because God is working in the soft hearts of His children (yes, every human is a child, because He put a soul in every single human, some allow His work, some do not). Also, the workers decisions that directly go against the words Jesus left on record will not be honored. The words of Jesus have been, are, and will always be the same. They are true, and an anchor for our souls.

      • henoffour
        “what we decide God will honour.”
        a perfect example of twisting things upside down, inside out.
        The correct order mr. overseers is
        ”What God decides, we will honour “
        no wonder everything is gone off the rails
        everything is twisted to suit themselves

    • David, Alan Mitchell has ‘expelled’ and discarded at least four workers in Qld this year with no concern for their mental health. He is definitely not the man you remember him as.

      • Your assumptions are unfounded. Two of us fellow abuse survivors who don’t attend the meetings are in communication with Allan Mitchell and he is very open with me. My father and most of my family and some friends of mine still attend also.
        Did you know he only recently returned to Queensland from his post in Victoria as the head worker there.
        I’m not aware of four workers being discarded. Please supply me their names so I can discuss this personally with Allan

      • D groves, the workers who have been expelled are: John Bowman, Belinda Young, Courtney Hoffman, Sheralee Jensen

      • Not sure where you’re getting your misinformed gossip from but I go straight to the source myself.
        John Bowman decided to leave the work himself and wasn’t pushed out .
        The two young workers you named, one is on a home visit and the other young lady is taking a break after returning from an overseas post in a difficult country.
        None of these four workers were forced out or told to get a job.
        Malcolm and Allan have confirmed this.
        My father is good friends with Courtney Hoffmans parents so all my sources are reliable and genuine.
        I can’t say the same for your false allegations.
        No wonder you don’t disclose your name as you probably realise the ramifications of posting incorrect, unsubstantiated and defamatory comments. It’s people like you that cause more damage than good by your gutless behaviour . If you feed on negativety nothing good will come if it

      • Malcolm Clapham was NOT in the meeting Alan had with the two younger women at M&L’s home (and Malcolm himself had been very kind and understanding in his dealings with these women). Alan is either lying to you or has early stage dementia. Tell your father to ask Courtney’s mother personally about it. And tell your father to also ask John Bowman directly as to the circumstances around his expulsion. In fact, why not contact them yourself personally instead of taking Alan’s word as your only source of truth.
        No, I don’t normally give my name because of people like you who become vicious/abusive in your character assassination when you are challenged.

    • If you join CCF you will find all the information you need. Malcolm Clapham had an arrangement with these workers to accommodate their health issues while they recovered from trauma. When Alan Mitchell arrived in Qld to take over as Overseer he cancelled Malcolm’s arrangements, told them to get a job and told them that the Church could/would not support them even though it was the ‘Work’ that created the trauma.
      It is great that he’s being nice to you, however he has behaved despicably with these three ladies (the fourth worker is male and he was discarded for different reasons).
      If you have a close connection with Alan perhaps you could ask him to apologise publicly at the very least for the way he has mishandled it.

    • David, I’m not sure why you’re getting involved in all this. You left many years ago. But of course that’s your right.
      I can assure you that AM is a bully and almost completely lacking in compassion. It’s wonderful that he keeps in touch with you as he sure ignores most of us inside the church who’ve reached out to him this year.
      Ask Michael to contact Fran. She’ll put him straight about what happened with those 4 workers. Your details about them is categorically false.

      • Congratulations David social media poster of the year! David left several years ago (clueless) but likes to name drop and stumble into posts.

  25. David it’s kind of sweet of you to stand up for Alan. I mean that. I respect also the mention of your own abuse.
    Honestly a lot of folks used to think better of Alan. But the recent conduct is terribly disappointing. It is worth checking out ccf possibly.

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