Church Investigation in India Finds No Wrong

WINGS Note: David Jayaraj’s North American convention tour in August 2023 was prematurely terminated due to credible allegations of indiscretions with adult women and unverified CSA allegations. See WINGS reports:

Clarification re removal of Indian worker

Indian worker removed from Olympia, WA convention

Letter from Church Leadership in India


As you know, in March, 2024 a group of overseers from various places met together with the local staff in India to help the staff deal specifically with allegations that have been made against David Jeyaraj and Jeeva Panchavarnam as well as other issues of concern in the Church. On March 31 a decision was made that David Jeyaraj and Jeeva Panchavarnam would be asked to step down from their places in the work while an investigation into the allegations against them was made.

On April 2, 2024, Four of the overseers along with Prabhakar met with a trusted legal advisor that a respected elder of the Church introduced them to. They asked for his advice as to how best to carry out this investigation. After carefully considering the nature of the allegations that we are dealing with, and the lack of detail provided in the allegations he strongly advised against hiring a third party agency to look into these allegations. His hesitance to suggest engaging in a third party agency, was based on the fact that there is corruption that exists in this country and that ‘pay-offs’, in the end would determine the outcome. He has suggested that it is the proper procedure that those who are responsible for guiding the work in our fellowship, look into and deal with these cases. He further helped us sift through the material we have and has given us his opinion on what action, if any, should be taken in each case. We feel that this is the right and scriptural way to handle this based on 1 Corinthians 6:1 to 7, where Paul strongly recommends that matters like these be settled within the fellowship rather than taking them to be settled by unbelievers in the world, but only when no criminal activity has been found to have taken place. Otherwise it will be taken to the relevant authorities.

In following the recommendations given us by the legal advisor, we have undertaken to look carefully into the allegations that have been made against David and Jeeva. It has became clear that there is not sufficient, verifiable proof of the allegations made against them to justify them being asked to leave the work. In our investigation we have had to sift the truth out of many untruths so of course we were left with some questions still. Unfortunately, as we sought to find the truth in these matters, we did find that an anonymous person, or group of people, whose motives are very questionable, appear to be responsible for making the majority of these allegations.

We appreciate David and Jeeva’s cooperation in agreeing to quietly step down from being active in the work while this investigation was in progress. Now that the investigation has been concluded, we find no reason why they should not continue to fill an active place in the work on this staff.

It has saddened us all to think we should need the help of a legal advisers when we believe that we are the children of the Living God and we’re following His Son Jesus as our Saviour in all things that he lived and taught.

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Author: wingsfortruth2

Wings for Truth Admin

13 thoughts on “Church Investigation in India Finds No Wrong”

  1. Six men “investigate” two other men who are alleged to have sexually abused children and women, and find the two men blameless.

    No problem, no need for any change, all continues as it was.

    It’s hard to find words any more to express how wrong-headed and incompetent this all is. Hopefully making these ridiculous decisions public will help more and more people see clearly and take action to protect themselves and others from men like these.

    I hope that everyone affected by this injustice can find help and support from appropriate authorities and trustworthy friends.

  2. Absolute brilliance radiating from this letter!
    I only wish I could paint such an interesting picture with the arrangement of my words.
    I am only guessing why no one signed their name to it.

  3. Investigation into India “allegations”. Who represented the “victims”? Who decides to follow Paul’s response to infighting among the Gentile church at Corinth who follow the Gospel of Grace that Paul was to “dispense”(Ephesians 3:1 – :9) to Gentiles??? Paul’s suggestion in 1 Cor. 6:4 was ignored completely. AND :7 : Yes, the letter includes verse :7. “”Why NOT JUST suffer yourselves to BE DEFRAUDED?”” .

    ………Just back-up and read 1 Cor. 5:1 – :13! YES, each and everyone of you! This is a crime between adults. THE action is verse :10 and :13. Then ask yourself the question what decides the crime or the what decides the punishment? (( they need a trusted member of the the unjust = lawyer))

    As the author closes his account: He explains “we are following His Son Jesus “”IN ALL things he lived and TAUGHT””. Matthew 18:1 – :10 is what Jesus in His flesh lived and Taught! AND that is what Jesus who was in his flesh on this earth – both man and God – TAUGHT to that Nation of Israel as Jesus labored to bring God’s “Chosen, “Covenanted Nation” so they could be His people and he would be their God. This is the exact example and message Jesus gave to his 12 chosen ‘apostles’. Acts 2:41 – :46 is the ‘Apostles Doctrine’ given to them by Jesus Himself.

    It is incomprehensible to think that those who only follow Jesus in His flesh as he walked the dusty roads of Israel to bring those Jews back to himself so they could be a Nation of “Priests” to go into all the world “preaching God’s Good News of a perfect, covenanted Kingdom of Heaven on Earth” — exactly as Jesus and John the Baptist preached in Matthew 3:2; Math. 4:17, and :23;;; AND Revelation 20:5 foretold by Jesus’ himself in Matthew 19:28………. Yes, it is unbelievable that those who “only” follow Jesus in the flesh WOULD reach into the “doctrine” the ‘risen Christ’ gave to that rebel Saul -God named Paul – who preached “”a heavenly promise”” = Ephesians 1:3, 2:6 and Philippians 3:20 For our citizenship is in Heaven and 1 Thessalonians 4:16 – :17 ‘caught-up in the clouds’ AND so shall we ever be with the Lord!

    1. Astounded
      Some times I have difficulty in trying to follow your train of thought and your meditations. Maybe something about all the bible verse designations mixed in with the sentences.
      But your last paragraph hits home to me (if I am digesting it as you intended). It is what I have been vague in my writing about in an attempt to gently provide a seed thought. This is all foreign territory to followers of religious organizations. And I do apologize to people for my own writing that is not clear to people. I temper beating myself up too much though – if my writing is unclear to people, I am confident they will not venture into prophecy.
      So let me offer a little sense of your last paragraph, in my own articulation.
      I remember a conversation a worker had with a RC one time, and the worker said to the man the RCs were wrong because they had all these images of Jesus nailed to the cross and that we worshipped the risen Christ. I have come to see something different in all the franchises of religious enterprise. They all worship Jesus up to the time of the cross. Religious enterprise does not want their followers to venture beyond the cross because it would be bad for business. Religious enterprise does not want to leave the security of their bible behind to search for, follow, and have a relationship with the risen Christ. Religious enterprise has really left Him hanging on the cross. I am not saying the teaching of Jesus in the bible is not good because I myself love it, and this is part of where I am confusing people in my writing. But the Christian world does not seem to be able to put the bible down out of their right hand long enough to be able to quell the fervor in their forehead such that they can search the mind of Christ …and follow the Lamb wheresoever He leads. He wants to be the one in our forehead – not our bibles nor our allegiance to some earthly organization of peoples.
      Now why is there this conundrum in the church? My belief is because we as a people were fearful to venture beyond the veil. It would mean leaving the security of what we could touch and feel and look upon and belong to and be accepted by. The people were somewhat encouraged to push out into the deep…providing of course that their little boat was still tied to certain things on the shore.
      And I see this conundrum revealed in the church in March 2023 as the Great Awakening. I personally believe we are a privileged generation to have this revelation provided. And there will be two different interpretations of what the great falling away means to different people. It will be for each to decide what it means to them personally. To me, the spiritual realm is counter intuitive to the earthly workings.
      To me personally, with this Great Awakening, the great falling away means, ‘what will I do with this revelation now’.
      And to be clear to people on my meditations for what it is worth, (I know I am mixing people up on this) the church is the people – everyone included. Overseers on down the rungs of the ladder. But the enterprise is the spirit that has entered the church that wants control over the bride of Christ. If any worker or elder fits this bill, then they belong to this spirit. The Bridegroom in my estimation has given the people a wakeup call. He seems to have had enough with the spiritual fornication and spiritual adultery this enterprising spirit has had with His people. To me, it is time, and from what I see, the process is unfolding. And nobody has to consider this if they don’t want to, but has this enterprising spirit that has come into the church not instructed in guile-like fashion that a wee bit of blasphemy of the Holy Ghost is okay? That to me friends is a very deep root in the way when a person starts pulling on it. The coverings we have come recently to know are not the covering of Christ, but the covering of earth. And there is part of all of us that wants to cover up so people cannot see our nakedness. But the nakedness spoken of in revelation? I believe that is counter-intuitive to our carnal thinking.
      All for now. I likely blew too much smoke in people’s nostrils for one day. Feel free to give me a slap. Across the canyon, some lonesome bell is ringing.

      1. In principle this letter says that as long as  no forensic evidence gets left behind (direct witness),  molesting children is declared acceptable within  2x2ism in India …   (Support for perpetrators clearly justified by 2×2 bible interpretation!!) 

      2. Mark S: Yes, Thank you for weighing in. Yes, for some reason “religion only knows Jesus in the flesh”. That record is only in Matthew thru Acts 12: as God the Son; worked and preached only to God’s chosen Nation of Israel ((Government)) to bring them back to God. That very Government rejected Jesus – crucified – we will not have this “man” rule over us! Then that very Govr. rejected God the Holy Spirit” == recorded in Acts 1: thru Acts 7:60 = Stephen – thru Acts 12:… this is explained in Romans 11:11 – :15. God blinded His Nation of Israel and turned from them. (Rom. 11:25 – :27)Paul records God will fulfill all his promises to Israel of their ‘Promised,perfect, covenanted Kingdom of Heavenly rule on this very earth! ((beginning in Genesis 12: to Abram.- Acts 12:))
        There is another Good News = Gospel THAT is based completely on “”the ‘finished work of Jesus on the “cross” ‘ “”! You are SO CORRECT!! RELIGION! Religious enterprise does NOT want their followers to go beyound the cross “because” it would be bad for business! (and their self-importance and control). Mark, What is that Gospel? 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 = Have you EVER HEARD THAT GOSPEL=good news!?
        What is the ‘intent’ of “that Gospel’? Ephesians 3:11 according to the “eternal purpose” which God purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord: = :16 – :21 is the result of the Good News of the “risen Christ Jesus”!
        Mark, now read Ephesians 3:1 – :9; :8 to understand the “unsearchable”= (not recorded in O. T. or by Jesus in his flesh) riches of Christ….. Ephesians 2:4 – :9 explains ‘the results” of what God through the “risen Christ” — BUT God :4 thru :9 NOW gives to each and everyone THAT ‘believes’ = Ephesians 1:12-:13. Mark, have you ever heard this preached? as the Gospel = Good News!? If Not, you must read the BUT NOW! in Romans 3:21 – :26.
        YOU are so very correct! Religious enterprise would have No Control! WHY? Because we must feel guilty and need them to help us! WHILE God, through the Faith of Jesus Christ (Romans 3:22) “”unto all and upon all THEM that “believe” —– :24 Being “”justified”” freely by God’s Grace. through the “redemption that IS IN Christ Jesus……. you read. – you read each word and meaning through :27.
        Oh, what a message of the result of our trusting and ‘believing’ the Good News after the cross Romans 5:1 – :11….. there is so much more God through the ‘apostle Paul’ has left in His Word for US! Yes, and it is ALL based on the result of the “cross”. And that wipes-out 99% of religion including 2×2’s. We have found each and every WORD is important to understand God’s word and will and hope, now. What freedom for our very souls; What Joy! Thank You , Mark for understanding that freedom from God THAT no religion can take from us; BECAUSE of the Cross of Jesus Christ our “Risen Lord and Saviour”!

  4. This is just another sad example of corruption in this organization, I truly expect the FBI to react in the near future. As a American survivor I feel very sorry for these victims, RICO will be a serious charge for those involved. This is just my opinion, however what I have personally experienced and what I have read on this site and others is beyond criminal.

  5. This short note talks about, “unbelievers in the world” and that, “…we believe that we are the children of the Living God”. Isolate the people in the group as “we”, say that everyone not in the group are “unbelievers”, and the perfect scenario is set up for the parameters for a cult. “You can’t leave this “way” or you will be joining the unbelievers and going to he**”. Never mind that there are millions of Christians not in the group.

    Mark S accurately notes, “…follow the Lamb wheresoever He leads. He wants to be the one in our forehead – not our bibles nor our allegiance to some earthly organization of people”. The word of God says, “And that He died for all, that those who live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto Him who died for them and rose again”. It is very unfortunate that through subtle wording the leadership, who couldn’t sign their names to this letter, still have to keep the reins on “their people”.

  6. A leadership that is incapable of finding a qualified, honest and objective third party to investigate criminal complaints is incapable of doing the criminal investigations themselves.

    All unindicted pedophiles are now officially welcome.

  7. Worth noting is that this letter clearly expresses is a clear condemnation sentence ‘that the victims are lying’ … Hard to misunderstand the pain that these ‘victims’ must feel — and their situation is not even mentioned in the letter. If they have been so clearly condemned … on what forensic ground has this condemnation been built on? Or is this condemnation ‘sentence’ simply been built on the will to protect the perpetrators?

    1. Comment: “On what forensic ground has this condemnation been built?… to protect the predators?” Great questions.

      Workers: “…there is not sufficient, verifiable proof of the allegations made against them to justify them being asked to leave the work. In our investigation we have had to sift the truth out of many untruths so of course we were left with some questions still.”

      There are still questions. The workers don’t need the answers. Reinstate the predator workers because they weren’t caught in the act. Going forward the guidelines are simple; don’t get caught and you’re going to get away with it. And, if you’re caught, we’ll still work with you. No big deal.

  8. I hope this has all been reported to the FBI and the authorities in India.

    It is beyond me how they can ignore the law, or maybe there is no such law in India, I have no idea.

    Here in North America we are required by law to report to the Police, the American/ Canadian overseers know about this.

    This is a worldwide problem and it’s not going away soon ..Over 900 perpetrators, according to advocates for truth, a reliable source. Many overseers, workers and elders involved.

    However can people who claim to be Gods servants be content to just look the other way? Child abuse is not something to be taken care of by the Church, it is a criminal offence. The law definitely needs to handle this.

    To say that Paul says not to take your brother to court, and use that as an excuse to handle it in-house is nausea inducing. Paul is not talking about crimes. It looks as though they want to pretend that this is their understanding, They know exactly what they are doing.

    Perhaps they have forgotten the consequences for sinning against children and God, in His presence.

    The other thing that has possibly happened, horrifyingly so, is their conscience is seared, and God has given them over to a reprobate mind.

    what kind of people could abuse children and women, cover it up, move abusers around to unsuspecting homes, take it upon themselves to do an investigation, and say they found nothing worth punishment, and restore the abuser with ( credible allegations) to a position, where he has access to children/ women and can reoffend.

    I have loved this fellowship, I cannot support this corrupt Ministry, I feel so sorry for those who feel trapped.

    Please remember the God that has begun a work in you can continue, but you need to take the reins from the overseers, hand them over to God and trust Him to lead you safely home, I pray that you will.💞

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