Danger at Dunnville ON Convention

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I feel an urgency to make those who have their eyes open and want to be made aware of their surroundings, familiar with my situation.

I sent the following letter to AC and GE as they are in charge of Dunnville convention. I did receive a message back from GE, however he is not in the place of power to make decisions. The only message received from AC was that he would look into the matter and get back to me. To date, I have still not heard anything.

Below is the letter I sent last week after feeling very convicted about sitting on the sidelines for this long; I would not be able to forgive myself should something happen to another child because I continued to be silent.

Good Morning GE and AC,

Hope you are both doing well.

Today I reach out with a heavy heart, and apologize for not addressing this matter sooner. I feel this message is long overdue but I have not had the courage to speak up to this point, nor have I wanted to stir up the past for various reasons. So, I have been trying to manage it quietly in the background to avoid causing any further issues or confrontations.

To provide some background, I was sexually abused by my older brother BL from what I can recall 10 years of age until I was 15. I believe it started earlier, but my memories are unclear or I may have suppressed it. I reported this behaviour to my school guidance counsellor when I was 12, and they intern had obligations to report it to children’s aid, where there is a record of this. I also reported a second time just before I turned 15 years old, to which the police were involved. I have spent many years dealing with this trauma and only recently, (approximately 2 years ago) found peace within myself to let it go and I hold no ill will towards BL, (which makes coming forward even more difficult).

Recently, a list of individuals with allegations was circulated by someone who attended KC funeral in January, and it included my brothers name. This list was forwarded to me, and it had a profound impact. Firstly, it triggered my past trauma, and secondly, it raised a fear that my brother may have harmed others, and there was another victim; I still do not have the answer to this today.

Additionally, about 12 years ago, when BL visited our home in BC and my daughter was less than a year old at the time, an incident occurred that alarmed both my husband and I. Given my brothers history, we strongly felt and still feel he intended to sexually abuse our daughter. Thankfully she was a light sleeper and woke up crying while he was in her room hopefully preventing any harm. Since then, BL has not been welcome in our home.

I bring this to your attention because yesterday morning, I woke up with an overwhelming feeling that BL could be a danger to children at convention. I felt compelled to speak with him first and ask him not to attend convention and to make alternate arrangements to listen online instead. He became defensive and has not responded since I declined his offer to have a conversation on the phone, as in the past when I have accepted this offer I have felt attacked and manipulated. However, I believed it was the right thing to do by giving him the opportunity to make the right choice before reaching out to you both.

There are many who will be attending Dunnville that are aware of my situation with BL and the threat he posed to our daughter. I did not want this to reach the point of sending a message to you, and hoped I could have gotten through to him yesterday. I feel a profound urgency that he could be a danger to children at convention and this urgency gives me the courage to speak up.

Convention is a special sacred place and I fear that his presence at convention could trigger other victims or endanger innocent children. I ask you to see the urgency in this matter and pray about it for clarity, as I do not want to overlook this strong feeling I have had, and risk an innocent child’s safety, wellbeing or future.

Thank you for your consideration in protecting the children who will be at Dunnville or any other conventions BL may want to attend.

Please feel free to reach out should you need further clarification.


JH (nee L)

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Author: wingsfortruth2

Wings for Truth Admin

6 thoughts on “Danger at Dunnville ON Convention”

  1. I thank you for your incredible courage to speak up for the sake of other children. I am proud of you.

  2. Dear JHL, I don’t know you or the Dunnville convention, but would like to thank you for your love and courage in sending this timely notification.

    Thank you for all the people you’ve educated with this message, and everyone you’ve saved from harm. Please don’t ever doubt that you have done the right thing. Your intervention here also serves as an example of loving and compassionate action for the rest of us.

    I thank our heavenly Father for you and others who are wise and caring in addressing this terrible issue of abuse. May God bless you.

  3. I feel very convicted upon reading this to ask some questions of all who read: Who has power? Where does power come from? And more importantly, where does YOUR power come from? I am in this moment praying for GE and all who have this information and attend this convention, that they can get very clear on where their power comes from and the fact that they do indeed have power – all the power required -to act on this. Everyone who touches the microphone or has the ability to get hold of it has the opportunity to use it and speak the warning. And I’m sure there are other avenues that could be put to good use also. For the love and God and His precious little ones, Find and Use YOUR Power!

    Brothers and sisters in Christ, we are not powerless! We are called to use our power to speak truth and to set boundaries in our lives, our families and our church so that those who abuse power do not have access to God’s little ones. We are called to the pure religion James describes here (in the NLT version): ‭James 1:27 NLT‬
    [27] Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.


    So I ask each of you, is your religion pure and genuine? James seems to convey that those with pure and genuine religion have power to do this. Use Your Power!

    PS Dear Survivor who posted this,

    These thoughts are in no way directed towards you, but rather to people who are waiting for God to fight a battle He’s called His people to fight. Thank you for your courage and for using your power. My heart breaks for you that there wasn’t someone available in your hour of need who could and would use theirs on your behalf. I pray the Lord will bless your effort here to awaken people who are sleeping to find power in Him, Almighty God, to stand up and take action.

    1. Julie E: We feel and know the deep feeling you voice with your ‘post’ author. JH has kept this horrible, criminal behaviour a well hid reality until she is unable to ignore the chance of her trauma would be repeated continually on unsuspecting victims whose only action is trusting everyone at Dunnville ON conv.. What a burden she carries!

      Julie, your great understanding and concern is shown by your desire for any and all to use their power! Our experience IS the complete degradation of those who have used their Power to speak-up and demand acknowledgement and change: ARE Brutally degraded and their very ‘elders and wurkers’ gleefully destroy them; and their families refuse to allow them to be part of their family. And this is after they have spent almost a year trying to DO EXACTLY as you suggest. THAT eliminates a cost that you do not address. The amazing Fact is they all report “they now have Joy and freedom to Learn WHO and What God’s WORD really records.

      As James writes to those Jewish believers (James 1:1) who are scattered from the Jewish church in Jerusalem(Acts 2:47 & Acts 8:1) who believed that Jesus was their messiah, King and Judge:, (believed in Jesus Name!) — James explains those Jews who have scattered from Jerusalem for over 30 years; THAT they MUST continue to DO THE LAW. AND continue to do works of the LAW with Faith! James 1:27 Part of this Law of Moses was to visit the fatherless and widows….. AND to KEEP himself “unspotted from the world”. BUT the “power” you speak of I cannot find in Book of James, however James 3:8 – :18 does explain what was expected of those who ‘believed in Jesus’ Name and kept the Law by Faith.

      Then in James chapter 5: James again quotes the Law of Moses and how they must do all: even as Mark 16:12 – :18 records the very words of Jesus directions to the 11 apostles just before Jesus ascended-up into heaven. This “power” was given to the 12 apostles= :17 cast out devils; speak in new tongues; serpents nor deadly drink shall hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick to heal them. ALL of these were “SIGNS” that the fathers and prophets had prophesied THAT WOULD be signs to God’s Nation of Israel TO PROVE to the Jewish Nation THAT Jesus of Nazareth IS THEIR Messiah! OH, Julie, it would be so very wonderful if what you wrote WAS POSSIBLE and ‘IF’ THAT ministry of the wurkers WAS OF God, through Jesus’ very ministry.((As in Acts 2:41 – :46))

      That Government of Israel refused THAT sign and Acts 8:1 is the result. Those citizen’s that believed on Jesus ‘name’ and did the Law of Moses by faith were all scattered abroad…… “except the apostles”=== their JOB was to bring THAT Government of Nation of Israel “”back to God””! THAT very Government( their Supreme Court Court) stoned = blasphemed the VERY Holy Spirit they saw and heard in Stephen, Acts 6:14 – :15 and 7:51 – :60: triggering Matthew 12:31 – :32 THAT Jesus in His very own words warned that Government = the Pharisees Math. 12:2, :15, :24; :32; :38.

      Result was those Jews who believed in Jesus’ Name and did the Law of Moses as preached by the 12 apostles in Acts 8:1 and were scattered abroad; Acts 11:19 preached the Word to Jews, ONLY! Yes, Julie; NO ONE EVER explained THAT the 12 apostles only preached to That Government of Israel; ONLY, to bring Israel back to God:, so that NATION of Israel could be a Nation of Priest’s to all “other Nations”- Exodus 19:5-:6. THAT still has NOT happened. James, Peter and John all wrote to Jews.

  4. Julie I’m very sorry about ur child hood experience with SA. I’m just hoping you have been in contact with Cynthia @ AFTT? Do you need her information? This predator (can’t call him a brother💔) needs to be put into AFTT investigators hands. Like so many predators victims there are likely many many more. AFTT will take care of that.
    Here’s to the healing of your heart & soul. I hope your wound will heal however you will likely have the scar for the rest of your life. 😔💞

    thank you too for the care & protection of your daughter. 💞

  5. GE – if you are listening. Or if someone entreats you to listen.

    You told JH that you have no authority, or no power in the matter, or you can’t really do anything or say anything….or how ever you said it or however JH took it. Basically the optics are, you are prepared to do nothing.

    Well, this does not come as news to me. You are right there with all the workers evidently saying the same thing. You are prepared to do nothing about the noisome sore revealed within the church. If you don’t really care about the +/- 60% of the 850 predators in the church that are non-ministers, what about the +/- 40% that are or were ministers that touted their message of how people should live but had dirty little secret lives, enabled and covered by the very same crew that all promoted the No-Name Brand as the only quality brand sanctioned by The Christ.

    So if you have no power, then I assume you are okay with this lack of power filtering down in the people’s lives that are following you. The Powerless Ministry. Spreading the gospel of acquiescence to the beast of religious enterprise. Follow us! Power! So much power! I sat in a fellowship meeting a while ago and the worker spoke so so emphatically about the power that God gives us. So much power! I have come to the conclusion, He also allows us to be deaf and dumb too if we so choose.

    You sat in my house some time ago and told me something your grandmother used to say to you. Seems like maybe she was a bit spunky. I think you were telling me in so many words to get a life and shape up.

    Anyway her words you quoted with no alteration: ‘You play with fire, yer going to get yer ass burned’.

    So maybe GE, you could send a note to the Chief Procurement Officer of the enterprise. Have him order up some heat shields to add to the armour you all say you are wearing. You will know the number, but I am sure it is in the thousands. This will be a bit tricky to sort out sizes depending on the shape and size of the religious ego. Maybe just get one biggy size to cover all the ‘yes buts’.

    Yes but we didn’t realize. Yes but I can do nothing. Yes but what can I do? Yes but those children were likely the problem and tempted the workers. Yes but let’s make a difference going forward and forget about the past. Yes but those allegations may be false. Yes but the show must go on – the people are expecting to be fed. Yes but those people are sowing discord. Yes but we are seeing those people fall away – we were told it would happen. Yes but the bible says …(chapter and verse). Yes but that was 40 years ago. Yes but the workers have been called so they can’t be wrong.

    Yes but Mark can’t talk – he is a sinner. You can even see it with your own eyes. What an ass he is.

    GE – if you feel powerless, use your humour that takes a back seat to no one. And put on one of your customary grins – and get up a wee bit of courage to start telling the other workers – ‘get a life – or get yer ass burned’. Grass or ass – prophecy says something is going to get burned. Those covered with the fig leaves of religious enterprise might not have time to get their house in order – and not be given any time and platform to counter with their ‘yes butts’.

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