GRACE Independent Investigation of Allegations

This lengthy report has been prepared by Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment (GRACE) regarding allegations that Larry Getz engaged in sexual misconduct, directly or indirectly related to his role at Friends and Workers. The Report was commissioned by the Washington / Northern Idaho / Alaska Overseers in the hope of learning from history and moving the church toward healing and a future where the risk of abuse is lessened.

The victim has provided this report to WINGS and requested that we publish it, provided comments are blocked due to the possible comments that may occur.

Some content has been redacted as it is sensitive and pertains to the victim’s experience. The redacted information has been thoroughly investigated by GRACE and is not needed to understand the findings; it does not change the outcome of the report.

Please remember:

1 . There is a person behind every investigation. A person who is giving up a lot to be there. A person who feels and a person who could be hurting. Try to put that person’s well-being before your own wishes or preferred outcome. Know that a conclusion will come and there is a lot that is going on that you do not know of.

When speaking to others, remember that the survivor could be the person you are talking to. Speak with love and grace.

Respect and believe all victim-survivors. They should not have to prove that they have been harmed. Even more so when the victim-survivor is a child. Hear them, support them and act accordingly.

A 6-page summary has been prepared by the Washington, North Idaho & Alaska Advocacy Group.

Download or listen to the complete audio version below:

The full GRACE report includes (at Appendix A, page 52) the results of a survey of 716 people identified as previously attended or currently attending meetings in Western and Eastern Washington, Alaska and North Idaho. 574 people (68% current members, most for more than 20 years) responded. 10% were current or ex workers.

Table of Contents

I. Introduction   2
A Background on Friends and Workers   3
B. Background on Larry Getz and Allegations of Sexual Misconduct           7
A Interviews      8
B. Documentation Information  8
C. Survey 9
A. Allegations of Sexual Misconduct by Larry Getz             9
1. Disclosures by RV Approximately 10 to 15 Years Ago   10|
2. Disclosures by RV in 2023        12
B. Knowledge and Response of Friends and Workers Leadership 18
C. Policies           24
A. Safety             30
B. Trustworthiness and Transparency     34
C. Peer Support               36
D. Collaboration and Mutuality  39
E. Empowerment, Voice, and Choice       42
F. Cultural, Historical, and Gender Issues              43
A. Invite Collaboration from RV to Plan the Communication of Report      45
B. Publicly Confess Failures and Wrongs 46
C. Make Appropriate Amends to Victims 46
E. Develop and Implement a Plan of Accountability and Participation Guidelines          47
F. Preserve These Events and the Lessons Learned in Institutional Memory                47
G. Provide Shepherding and Care for the Broader Fellowship        48
H. Provide Regular Training and Ongoing Education         48
I. Identify a Point of Responsibility to Lead a Trauma-Informed Approach 50
J. Review and Update Policies Implicated by this Investigation.    51
K. Maintain a Referral System     51
L Collaborate with Other Trauma-Informed Organizations            52
VI. CONCLUSION              52

WINGS Note: Post updated June 9, 2024 to include a 6-page summary and audio file, prepared by Washington, North Idaho & Alaska Advocacy Group, both approved by the survivor.

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