Financial Support for Therapy

Many survivors need to access professional therapy. In some countries this may be provided free by Government or local agencies, but in other countries there may be substantial costs.

Some overseers have mentioned the possibility of supporting therapy requirements but there is limited transparency about how to access that support. Other regions have not indicated any possibility of financial support, despite having accumulated funds.

In response to this significant need, several groups have been established with the objective of receiving donations to provide financial support for survivors, including funds for professional therapy.

WINGS appreciates and commends these efforts but has not reviewed the groups listed below. This list may be updated as more information becomes available and will be linked on the WINGS resources page. 

United Open Arms is a newly established non-profit. Their website provides details:

United Open Arms (UOA) is incorporated as a nonprofit entity and 501(c)(3) status is pending with the IRS. UOA is focused on survivor needs within the United States. UOA believes that the creation of a nonprofit organization is the best route to ensure donor and survivor privacy. This structure ensures financial transparency and accountability.

UOA is designed to ensure donor privacy by offering a confidential donation platform. Donors can donate privately and be assured their names remain confidential. UOA are currently accepting donations so that it will be able to provide survivor funding as soon as a third-party intake specialist and claims administrator are in place. For more information, visit the Donate page.

Recognizing that education is one of the most important things that can be done to prevent sexual abuse, UOA is collecting and developing appropriate education materials and making them available through this website. Any training offered will be audience specific and voluntary.

UOA is managed by professional volunteers with expertise in a number of areas including mental health/medicine, finance, communication, law, insurance, technology, and governance. Some board members are survivors of CSA/SA. Board members are volunteers with no compensation for their services. Legally, nonprofits are required to have a board of directors to incorporate as a nonprofit, obtain tax-exempt status, and have a bank account. The board of directors is the governing body that oversees its activities and drives overall strategy. 

The full announcement from United Open Arms is available here:

Other Groups
The following groups also accept donations and support survivors:

Advocates for the Truth

Donations to Advocates for the Truth assist with investigative and legal expenses as well as the cost of therapy programs for victim-survivors worldwide. Donations to AFTT have already helped many victim-survivors by covering the cost of attending therapeutic equine and writing retreats. Advocates for the Truth is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization, Federal ID 92-3912792.

WaNIdAk Therapy Fund

This therapy fund is available for survivors of abuse within and affected by the Alaska, North Idaho, and Washington region, regardless of current church participation.  Accepts donations. This not a reporting hotline. Contact for more information on obtaining funding for therapy. You do not need to share details of your abuse in order to receive support.  Funds are sent directly to your therapist.

ORSID Therapy Fund

The ORSID Therapy Fund was created as a 501(c)(3) charity to support the therapy costs of survivors in the Oregon, South Idaho region, as well as survivors from other areas abused by the region’s staff. The goal is to remit funds to therapists so survivors can start/continue their healing journey when they are ready.

Current board members are Ryan McKillop, Julia Chang Bullick, Parker LiaBraaten. This is not a reporting hotline. Federal ID 93-3518711.

Bridges and Balm

Bridges & Balm is a 501(c)(3) charity that cares deeply about helping people associated with the home church fellowship at any point in their lifetime. The CSA/SA Assistance Fund is specifically focused on supporting the healing journey of individuals who have survived child sexual abuse (CSA) and adult sexual abuse (SA), perpetrated by someone within or associated with the fellowship. Federal ID 93-4540637.

Board Members/Officers See

Paul Svendsen, Treasurer
Jacquie Ryan
Janet Pitcher
Steve Paddon, Secretary
Eric Miller, Vice Chair
David Martin, Chair
Susanna Matingou

Voices for the Truth

Voices for the Truth is a volunteer-driven 501(c)(3) nonprofit. The sole purpose is to support victim-survivors and others affected by SA or CSA within the fellowship and prevent further SA and CSA. VFTT are composed entirely of volunteers, including victim-survivors, who contribute our time and resources for a common cause in different capacities. VFTT coordinate with the Friends, Workers, former members, and qualified professionals to connect people with the help they need. Gifts help provide professional crisis services, facilitate community training, produce educational materials, and cover essential operating expenses. Federal ID 93-2887857.

VFTT Victim-Survivor Advisory Board:
Selkie Hope
Jeanie McElroy
Abbi Prussack

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Author: wingsfortruth2

Wings for Truth Admin

18 thoughts on “Financial Support for Therapy”

    1. I would like to know what is wrong with the people who attend meetings in Canada? I have asked numerous people up there for information about therapists for the victims – and all I am getting back from them are smart-alec answers like “what victims?” or “if there is, why would I know?” They are going to wish they had helped the victims when they are standing before the God of Heaven, because those victims are HIS!!

      1. There have been workers sent home after being allegged to be Guilty of CSAs. He was in our area. And I don’t think any of this should be hid. There are 2 lady workers who were brought up to the overseers and 1 was put out of the work, the other was looking after some sick folk in another province. I’ve heard she is now taking counseling and is not in the work anymore. There have been accusations made against another worker in our field of moving an offender after a young boy for 6 years was raped and molested. I have only heard these things and read them in Wings For Truth. So these 2 survivors should also be considered for therapy. You stated I believe that anyone can send funds to Advocates for Truth?? Will this benefit our victims right here when in our little province??

      2. I wrote already but I neglected to say the 2 lady workers were alleged to be grooming other younger women workers.

      3. @bonpete49 – Yes, these ladies are helping anyone from any country, please pass on this link and they can contact these wonderful ladies. When they answer, you will quickly know you have truly found a friend and one that will help you!

  1. There are these volunteers who are assisting the sexual molested survivors from the hands of workers, elders and other “friends” of the “homeless” and in poverty ministry, that is anything but transparent and worth millions. Good for these volunteers! There is someone there to assist and help the sexually abused.
    As for the homeless ministry, it would be great to stop the ongoing and damaging abuses now! The thousands of past victims would echo this thought. How does the homeless ministry stop the sexual abuse now? Get jobs, get your own place to live and the “ministry in poverty” wouldn’t then have the time to scan their IPad’s and smart phones, looking at “soft porn”, and devising their next sexual assault, which could be in the next bedroom.
    It’s not rocket science to figure out at a gospel meeting that the worker didn’t spend every available minute preparing the sermon, when it was the same thing said the week before. And, what was said the week before was nothing new or enlightened, there was no historical research, or context from the time period being talked about. Reading scripture at face value and putting no more effort into than just reading and giving their spin on it is, frankly, lazy.
    Get a real job, get your own place to live and stop the molesting. Get your own life. Is it really that difficult?

  2. I am so glad to see there’s help, and hope everyone that needs to will be able to get help. They can’t if we don’t support these wonderful organizations. I know some are writing in hopes of getting grant money, but there’s no guarantee of those funds, so please help if you can! Every little bit helps!!

    1. Yes! It is so encouraging and heartening to see these US-based entities providing much-needed assistance. THANK YOU to everyone who is genuinely seeking with integrity and love to support survivors.
      Like @bonpete49 above mentions, hopefully similar efforts can be set up for survivors in other parts of the world, too.

  3. i think that we all need therapy for the brainwashing/psychological and emotional abuse we were subjected to by this pedofile ring.

    1. buckarooski342ski, “i think that we all need therapy for the brainwashing/psychological and emotional abuse we were subjected to by this pedofile ring”.

      This is no joke.

    2. “It is far easier to fool someone than it is to convince someone they’ve been fooled”. Mark Twain

  4. Deepest appreciation and thank you for the groups of loving and thoughtful individuals who have been working to support survivors. Thank you for sharing here all the options for help.

  5. Funding for international victims remains a need. I trust international funding will come available and that compassionate friends everywhere will find a way to get help to victims that protects their identity and their dignity.

    Remember that all of these US funding efforts are new. The US therapy funds are all limited in resources and support is needed, both for funding and for getting the word out.

    There are legal and logistical barriers for 501c3 charities to send money across international borders. To my knowledge, Fund Recovery affiliated with AFTT is the only fund associated with our fellowship that is currently able to support victims outside the US.

    Thank you to everyone who has a heart for victim/survivors.

    1. That is an uninformed idea.

      CSA and rape at their basic level are not crimes of sex, they are crimes of violence and dominance. Castration or frontal lobotomies or any other ideas do not solve that problem. It is a much more insidious crime.

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