Clarification re removal of Indian worker

August 10, 2023

Dear BC Staff and Province,

We have enjoyed special days together and have a few more left here at Glen Valley #2.

We want to bring to your attention an incident we were notified of today (August 10th). David Jayaraj, a visiting brother worker from India has allegations of indiscretions with adult women and unverified CSA allegations. These allegations that have been brought to our attention have not been from his time here in BC but rather from India.

David’s convention tour prematurely terminated with this news and he is returning to India on a flight that left this afternoon (August 10) from Seattle.

Although we have set policies in place to mitigate these types of concerns, we unfortunately were not aware of these allegations prior to David’s attendance at Salmon Arm and Duncan convention.

Please reach out to someone you trust if there has been any boundaries have been crossed or if you have any additional information to share.

Sincerely, Merlin

WINGS Note: See initial post at Indian worker removed from Olympia, WA convention

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Author: wingsfortruth2

Wings for Truth Admin

17 thoughts on “Clarification re removal of Indian worker”

  1. According to Hassett, all is well in the land of the frozen tundra. Sounds like Merlin is now trying to sugercoat this Indian CSA/SA perp. Maybe the group needs an international perp, ped, and perv list.

      1. “incident “, “allegations”, “indecretions “, adult women”, “unverified”, “boundaries …crossed”

      2. Kelsie, sugar coating is an attempt to make something seem less serious than it really is. Merlin was doing Merlin’s best to “sugar coat” this predator worker actions stating, ” (the) worker from India has allegations of indiscretions with adult women”. Indiscretion means simply, bad judgement. A sexual assault, whether it be physical or verbal, is NOT simply bad judgement! Merlin was sugar coating the situation and downplaying the serious issue it is. Merlin, however, is no different than any of the others in the organization leadership. Look at Craig Winquist recently wanting sexual “predators to continue to cause harm” (Clover Convention cancelled). It’s really clear what the church leadership stands for.

  2. Thank goodness they had those safeguards in place. 🤮
    Yet another example of management in the top tiers being incompetent or corrupt. Do you REALLY think no one had any insight to the visiting piece of trash in the vetting procedure to spend the funds to get the creep over here?
    Ah yes, closed the door after the cow escaped from the barn. Ethics, competency ( or should that be incompetency ), and corruption on full display for the faithful to begin downplaying yet again.🤮

    1. You are correct…safeguards are only for the honest. Predators – aka: Criminals don’t give a fig what any sign, email, letter, warning, etc. says…they are there to find their next victim…and nothing else. Unfortunately, whoever invited David to come never checked the list! So, either they don’t care, or don’t know it exists because that information has been kept from them.

  3. Merlin sounds like he is writing some parody. Merlin starts out like all is good in the land, “We have enjoyed special days together and have a few more left here”. Merlin then treats the next part of his letter with the same the levity, not giving child sexual assaults, and sexual assaults to women any due respect. Merlin says of the sex abuser from India had, “allegations of indiscretions with adult women and unverified CSA allegations”. Indiscretions? This male worker only had a lack of good judgment?! Really? This man is a sexual predator. We are going to call it a lack of good judgment, though. Merlin white washes this predator, but don’t worry — all is good in the fold, with these special days.

  4. 🆘 World wide CSA / SA / Predators, crying souls, many lifes destroyed,hundreds of parents devastated, convention owners closing their property….etc

    And with that I’ll leave you,
    All is well , everything is ok.

  5. LTE, you are correct! Tell wisdom to Merlin, Craig, Barry, Ray and they all will not only despise wisdom, they will completely ignore it to negatively affect the people in a significant way. Allow evil in the door by way of child sex abuse and that door can’t be shut. But, these guys still act like all is well. Amazing what a seared conscience does.

  6. Kingsley Stone from South-Africa still in the work, he was at the Nambia special meetings, all smiles, I saw a photo of him on someone’s WhatsApp status.

  7. It has been confirmed that the Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) allegations against David Jeyaraj are in fact accurate. A neighbor lady volunteered to clean the Worker’s bach and David had an inappropriate relationship with her, and sexually assaulted her children, with at least one being under the age of 10. There are also numerous allegations that David had several other inappropriate relationships with women and also sexually assaulted at least one other adult woman.

  8. This communication is so dysfunctional. No explanation or accounting for how an abuser was sent over here, who knew prior, why he is in the ministry, and what is going to happen to him now we know back in India.

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