Indian worker removed from Olympia, WA convention

David Jayaraj, a brother worker visiting from India and on the speaker’s list for Olympia, Washington, was removed from the grounds today, apparently due to allegations of abuse in India.

He is being asked to leave as soon as he can book a flight back to India. The speaker’s list has been revised to replace David’s spots for Friday afternoon and Sunday morning.

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25 thoughts on “Indian worker removed from Olympia, WA convention”

  1. Retired Nurse:
    After reading this, I went back to emails sent with lists for convention speakers. This worker has been to Ronan, Chugwarer, Mellowdale, Bowsman, Theodore, Salmon arm, now Olympia, Washington. Where he is being sent home! Only NOW they do a background check? Or were they aware all along of allegations against him? Or are there new allegations against him over here also, prompting this dismissal?

    1. @Retired Nurse. No doubt they will be proactive in contacting all who attended all of those conventions, to make sure that everyone is aware and knows to call the police if anything untowards happened…oh wait, probably not.

    2. If he was really on a list he would never have been allowed into Canada. People are confirming such a list exists. I want to see this list. It is so easy to say a list exists but why is it not produced??

  2. Can’t you remember those people waiting to get into the dining hall at Ronan, Chugwarer, Mellowdale, Bowsman, Theodore, and Salmon commenting on that guy from India, David Jayaraj, and what a message he had! It was wonderful! ….wait, David Jayaraj, is being sent home?

  3. Just Wondering: Yes, just like Eve. Only difference is she KNEW what God had said. These who are commenting do NOT know what “God has said” through the very “Spirit of Christ”(1 Peter 1:11). They only know what the slick, suave, platform thumpers have to say. The result, however, is the same. As we look back, IT IS JUST PLAIN CREEPY. Eve was so convinced; SHE convinced Adam. So, it feeds itself.
    And is just as 2 Corinthians11:13 – :15. For such are “false apostles”, deceitful workers, TRANSFORMING THEMSELF into the “Apostles of Christ”
    WOW! that is brutal! What a warning! We MUST learn and Know God’s Word.
    :14 And No, marvel: for satan himself is transformed into an angel of “LIGHT”!
    :15 Therefore, it is NO great thing if “”his ministers”” also be transformed as the ministers of ”righteousness”:”Whose End shall Be According their works!

    1. How would Eve know what God said other than what Adam told her. According to my reading Eve wasn’t made when God said what he said. If the recording was cronigical which is hard to determine since that’s not the point of Genisis 2. We do know that the order in Genisis 2 isn’t the same as Genisis 1 so that would inspire questions on the point of the difference.

    1. So sorry for your wasted time. I hope the vulnerable were kept safe. Sorry your Didsbury conventions were marred by his attendance. No! Wait! All is well in Alberta, no problems here folks! Just ask your blind leader…

  4. Indian workers coming to the US and Canada, US workers going on a tour of Asia…this globetrotting work must cost a fair penny! I thought the idea was to spread the Good News, not speak only to the converted at closed conventions? Who paid for David’s big trip? Why the worldwide worker shuffle? So many questions.
    I’m so sorry for the Friends that David is returning to if he indeed has allegations and hasn’t been removed from the work and meetings. I’m doubly sorry if they paid for his worldwide adventure when the overseers’ coffers seem to be quite healthy.

  5. Yes he was at Ronan that I attended. I took notes on his sermon and even used some of it as a jump start to one of my own testimonies after convention…..ugh.

  6. Sooooo when this person gets back to India will he just be put amongst the Friends and no one with be none the wiser? Hopefully he’ll be kept out of the meetings and away from the fellowship until a full investigation is completed.

    1. I am in touch with the overseer in India. He is with DJ. He can not understand how a full investigation could have been done so easily in the USA when he is struggling to find any information about it in India. Give the name of the woman making the accusations so the overseer can speak with her.

      1. This is an ill informed response. Sorry David, get real and stop trying to protect the indefensible.

        1. At one time an allegation was not enough to make a conviction. If the allegation can be shown to have substance, then he is indefensible. If DJ’s name is on a list somewhere, prove it. Is that so hard? If there is a legitimate complaint from India, prove it. Is that so hard? Surely allegations can be investigated. Surely allegations need to be investigated.

          1. How is it even possible that a staff member has multiple allegations against him and the overseer
            can claim to know nothing? There are only two likely answers to that question.

      2. The overseer from India knew about David years ago. Exactly how he knew about Arulraj and did nothing to remove him from meetings. He just covered up for years. Prabhakar and David need to step out from the work.

    2. I was there. He was quickly removed and sent back to India. There was NO communication to us except for a private email to local workers. We then had a sermon from the platform sympathizing with the perpetrator, “I felt so bad for him and we wept together etc” as he drove them away from convention . It was so damaging to all of us not to mention the 400+ that dialed in bc they did not feel safe to attend. Several of us communicated to our staff begging them to just be transparent and explain what happened, own the lack of transparency, apologize for the errant message @ the perpetrator. The response was…”No, they did not feel it was necessary”. It all baffles me being words!!

  7. The globetrotting is common. Jim Atcheson (Saskatchewan/Manitoba overseer) is getting ready to take a multi-month convention tour to New Zealand and Australia. All while he refuses to communicate about his house that’s on fire. He also has problems with his staff that he refuses to deal with appropriately. Minimizing and dismissing the cries from victims. I hope the kind folks down under start asking some questions. Don’t let him come to your conventions.

  8. Some freinds bequeath their possessions to the workers/overseers at death. This amonts to millions of dollars, without any accountability.
    There should be a worldwide investigation into this cult.

  9. sounds like you can make a rumour and ruin a mans life and reputation. metoo gone mad.

    If you make these claims for f**k sake back them up.

      1. A lot of what gets put online doesn’t help. There are now an alleged 500 perpetrators but no clarification on the extent of this.
        eg. Are there 500 child rapists or 500 sexual abusers? I guess the 500 child rapists makes the fellowship look at its worst, so contextualising it isn’t within anyone’s interest – yet anyone with a brain will start to rationalise it. If you take the USA as an example – over 18 million American women have been raped or attempted rape, almost 17%. If the fellowship is 100,000 and 60% female – then do the maths.
        What we want to work out is how to prevent, how to be better at reporting, how to be better at listening to victims – with the mask of mystery this isn’t possible because every sexual crime is now the same.
        Classing a sexual message to a married women in the same category as a multiple child rapist isn’t helping anyone – if anything it is trivialising the horror of the latter.

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